Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Managing Video Game Addiction

In modern societies, playing video games and computer games have provided individuals with a great form of escape, being drawn into a world that is entirely different from their own. These forms of games have caused a fad that seems to never fade. Thanks to the constant integration of modern computer technologies, these games continuously evolve, becoming more and more engaging and appealing to players. When we thought that these games have provided the society a great form of hobby or means of passing time, think again. Compulsive gaming and many other psychological problems have related computer and video games as a major factor of addiction. Fun and entertainment are the primary factors that cause addiction. While virtual games provided both, they managed to change the trend and appearance on addiction in the modern world.

Game addicts also manifest addictive behaviors, similar to those that are observed in substance abuse. If an individual tolerates long hours of gaming or becomes miserable and irritable when prevented from doing the activity, he is already affected by compulsive gaming disorder. In worse cases, addicts can become violent or depressed when they are denied of the opportunity to play. When an individual continues to play despite being aware of the adverse consequences that are brought by the activity, then the conditions may now be considered a full-blown addiction.

The disturbing fact about this form of modern-day addiction is that it does not concentrate on a specific age group. When a child is old enough to touch and understand the workings of a video game console, he is already at risk of being affected by this gaming disorder. The sneaky thing about video games is that many parents think of them as a harmless way of spending their kid's free time. Behind the wholesome graphics, the easily attainable reward-system makes them more appealing and engaging to play, sometimes causing children to spend many hours in front of a game console. On the other hand, adult virtual games provide a great way of escape from the realities of the player's actual life. Playing computer games or online games allow individuals to create and live a new personality in a virtually created world. To some extent, these games displace friends and families in filling a person's social needs.

Until today, the diagnosis on video game addiction and computer game addiction is still debated and yet to be finalized. However, similar to those in substance abuse, computer game addiction and video game addiction manifests addictive behaviors as in tolerance of playing at an increasing length of time, constantly thinking about doing the activity, the feeling of the need to lie to cover up the growing dependence on gaming activities and the feeling of irritability and moodiness when prevented from playing virtual games.

If you feel that your child is already affected by the condition, it is advised that you start taking notes of your child's behavior on playing video and computer games. Be critical about the amount of time that the child spends on playing and the problems that resulted from doing the activity. Also, be critical in noting down the child's behavior when you implement time limits on game play. Documenting all your observations will help the doctor determine the severity of the problem. Lastly, seek medical help to immediately start with the treatments that are necessary in managing video game addiction and computer game addiction.

Derek Smithson is a keen games player, enjoying titles like World of Warcraft and Guild Wars.

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