Saturday, October 6, 2012

Middle and high school students Design video games

Some people are born just for players, and others are born to game developers. A fearless student of Mount Vernon, Illinois recently shows that, with enough determination, the video game programming dreams do come true. Michael Hicks had an early interest in computers and video games, but he has decided to take things a step further and develop, reported to the South. Like many workbooks seventh, he was a strong player. Unlike many workbooks seventh, he created his first video game school. It's simple - a game of space shooter in two dimensions - but the interest of the student does not stop there.

Game Designer Michael Hicks

Once in high school, Hicks began to explore programming 3D in his spare time, and which led to an updated version of the original game, which he called the honor in revenge. He completed the second version in 17 years, according to the South. At age 19, Hicks has created another game called Sententia. His second official game is a bit different from its humble beginnings to the young developer. In Sententia, players must strategically build bridges with limited resources in order to progress.

Despite some mixed reviews, Hicks said the South that he is happy with the way things have turned with his game. He plans expand its skills by obtaining a Bachelor's degree in computer science, whom he had in 10 months.

Video games have become a part of more and more of our culture. Part of the reason is that it is a very diverse environment of entertainment. Casual games offer a relaxed pace for those who just want to relax for a while. Other games ramp upwards the difficulty for players who want a challenge. Then there are games online for social activity and those multiplayer to teach communication and cooperation.

Some research suggests, the average player spends 9.2 hours per week playing video games. And this is not a bad thing! But imagine that spends a lot of time to learn a new skill or study, you would be pretty impressive progress in a few weeks. Schools are beginning to be aware of the potential value of technology and many students become the creators of video games in the process.

Honor in Vengeance II - game designed by Michael Hicks

Transform students into schools game designers
Just like playing a video game, a design requires a diverse set of skills that are useful in many areas. That is why the Allegheny Valley Middle and High School students learn the Globaloria - a program for students to learn the concepts of social networking and game design program. According to a recent education week article, learn how to design video games can help students become more competitive on the labour market and not only in the field of game design!

«For students in this computer-lab-turned-mini-software-company, which can pass along to work individually or with partners in development of a game that teaches a concept of education of their choice, there is the critical thinking necessary to understand and communicate to the players what is exactly the hardest to learn about a topic, "said article. «»"» It y software also transferable skills of writing proposals, storyboards, AdobeScript, that students follow a plan of development similar to those in the industry of commercial games using tools available through their account on the Globaloria wiki coding, blogging information and submission of progress reports. »

Teaching game design in conjunction with more traditional classroom subjects has its challenges. The movement is relatively new in education and has struggled to gain the support of the instructors who might be qualified to teach. Another question: how you sit in game design without taking away from other important areas? According to education week, some supporters have suggested schools offer programs like Globaloria as a volunteer, post school options. Another potential way to bring video games in the classroom would be to introduce specific aspects of game design education in schools in the segments of a week. In this way, students escape listening to their teachers, and they learn valuable skills in the process!

View the original article here

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