Monday, January 14, 2013

Orchestras that Play Video Game Music

Are you a fan of epic video game soundtracks? To some gamers, the music in the game is just as captivating as the gameplay and plot. While a video game’s soundtrack can add to immersion (ever play a great Mystery game with spooky music?), there has been a growing number of ways to experience the music on its own.

For example, a 75-musician orchestral performance at the Ohio Theater recently put on a show called “Distant Worlds: Music From Final Fantasy.” The performance features music from the popular role-playing game series, according to an article by The Columbus Dispatch.

Final Fantasy Orchestra

“The composer, Nobuo Uematsu, decided early on he would write light motifs for each character, so you have some of the basic themes that have been with us for 25 years,” said Arnie Roth, music director of the Final Fantasy concert series, who was quoted in the article. “As the data capabilities increased, he was able to graduate to full-orchestra tracks.”

While the latest performance occurred in Ohio, orchestras play the concert series worldwide. Following the August 25 show, the composition will be performed in London on November 2, Australia on November 25 and many other locations throughout the year. The next time the concert comes to the United States will be in Chicago (December 7 – mark your calendars). The Chicago event will be something special because it is the only official 25th anniversary performance to happen in North America.

The program includes an orchestral performance of “One-Winged Angel” from Final Fantasy VII, and several musical themes common throughout the series, including “Swing De Chocobo” and the franchise’s iconic victory fanfare. Fun fact: Many of the Latin lyrics for “One-Winged Angel” come from Carl Orff’s 1930s composition “Carmina Burana.”

The sound of (video game) music
Final Fantasy isn’t the only game franchise that has drawn the attention of professional performers. There’s an entire orchestra dedicated to playing modern arrangements of video game music. The group has performed at several venues since its first show in 2008, including the video game expo PAX East in 2010.

There’s also “Video Games Live,” a game-themed concert that continues to tour worldwide. Video Games Live features a wide selection of music from the early arcade game Pong to the more recent first-person shooter Halo.

“Whether it’s the power and passion of the more recent blockbusters or the excitement of remembering the sentimental classics you played growing up, Video Games Live will truly be a special night to remember,” the VGL website states. “Meet and bond with new friends as you help to celebrate a pastime which has truly evolved into our culture. Even if you have never played a video game you’ve never heard or seen an orchestral performance quite like this. [The] show includes synchronized performances of the music, video and specially designed special fx & light sequences showcasing over 60 different games in a wide variety of styles.”

The full “Video Games Live” experience offers more than just music. The multimedia concert features video footage synchronized with game sound. Some of the segments also include live stage performances, complete with synchronized light shows. Oh, and there’s also a pre-performance festival that gives visitors an opportunity to meet composers and game developers.

It’s a pretty interesting time to be a gamer. Not just because games are fun, but also because groups are starting to find whole new ways to enjoy them. Between music and art inspired entirely from video games, there has been a growing number of ways for even non-gamers to enjoy the wonderful world of gaming. So, if you find yourself trying to explain your love of video games to a friend who doesn’t play, why not introduce him or her to a few orchestral soundtracks?

Conor is a Marketing Manager with Big Fish, working out of the Seattle office. In his spare time he enjoys watching science documentaries and playing old school adventure games. Get in touch with him on Twitter!

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Spotlight series: Nightmare Kingdom

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To commemorate the release of Nightmare Realm: In the End, I spoke with lead designer Vladimir Fokin about how the Nightmare Realm series got its start! After reading the interview below, treat yourself and celebrate the new year a day early by checking out Nightmare Realm: In the End!

Hi, I’m Vladimir Fokin, producer and game designer at  I work at one of the development centers for called Lesta Studio. We are the team behind the Nightmare Realm series.

Fire World Concept

In fact, the original title for the first game in the series was Magic Story. All of our artists were women – so fantasy worlds full of magic and wonder seemed nearly inevitable! Still, we were afraid our game would be labeled as childish and cartoony, both with the visuals and story. We were considering different options until one day our original game designer came up with that classic “what if…” idea. He told everyone about an image in his head:  the main protagonist waking up at night to disturbing knocking at her door and feeling a strange anxiety – “something wicked this way comes.” And – click! It was just the thing we needed. This kick-started the whole story that sprang out of this little episode.

Furthermore, we wanted to develop a serious story, not just about dark mysteries and a fantasy world, but also about family relationships, parental love, children’s creativity, and a sense of guilt. We intended not to make just another video game, but to tell a story that gets players thinking. And we hope to keep it up in our future releases!

Attic Concept

Since I got my first ZX, an early gaming system, I knew that games would become a huge part of my life. But it was not just about games themselves–the stories behind them were something that I was hooked on. While playing all those adventure titles, from Codemasters’ Dizzy, to Lucas Arts’ Day of the Tentacle, I always wondered – what’s next? What will developers pull out from their bag of tricks? Even today I feel like a kid who used to stare at the illusionist’s performance and now dares to repeat his tricks, introducing something new to the process.

And another thing that is really important – “choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” If there is a job that keeps me up all night and still makes me happy in the morning when I open the office door again – well, that’s it. And it can’t be any other way while working as a part of a team as passionate as ours.

Dark City Concept

I always loved the quote from Terry Gilliam – “If you’ll have to say things, you have to know things”. It’s not right to be isolated just within the area of games – if you are, you mostly copy and remodel some older game developer’s ideas (though playing other games is critical – it’s always better to learn from other people’s mistakes). The trick is to expand your field of interest to the max.  Read books. Watch movies. Visit museums. Travel. Share opinions. It’s nothing new, but it works. I know I may sound very trivial, but inspiration is actually everywhere; the trickiest thing is to see it and remember at the right time. So just keep your eyes and ears wide open.

City Square Concept

It’s always too long. It used to take us twelve months minimum to complete the game, but there’s always some post-release stuff that distracts us from the creative process a bit – localization, other platform ports, etc. To avoid this in future, we decided to expand our team a bit so it could handle two projects simultaneously. Hope we’ll be able to proudly present you more great games next year!

Well, lots of them actually. Many really good adventure games recently released in Germany- like Deponia which is made in keeping with the best traditions of old Lucas Arts and Sierra titles: hilarious and very creative. Czech studio Amanita design (the maker of Machinarium, which I suppose is one of the best things that happened to computer games within the last decade) came up with the beautiful hand-crafted Botanicula. But if you want me to name just one, I’d say “To the Moon.” This is a really unique project; more of an interactive novel with some gameplay elements. It was made by just one man, Kan Gao, and may not have the most attractive art I’ve seen in video games, but the story is so utterly emotional that I forgot about visuals within the first twenty minutes. Really, it was the first game that actually made me cry, and I’ve seen a lot of them. A real gem.

Speaking of Big Fish games, my favorites are still the same: Phantasmat, Stray Souls, Drawn series and Shiver: the Vanishing Hitchhiker. Art style, visuals, tension, story – they have it all. But what I love these games for most is their unique ability to draw you in so you forget about real life in no time. Their only flaw is that they leave you desperately wanting more in the end!

Prison Door Concept

Surprise your players. Make them jump out of their chairs, make them laugh, make them cry. Make them come back for more of the real emotions they experienced the last time while playing your game. And don’t be afraid to share your ideas, even if they look too weird at first sight, with your team members. We’re here to entertain people, so who knows which crazy idea will break big next?

We are painstaking. We are perfectionists. At times we are dull beggars when it comes to the gameplay or story consistency. On the other hand, we have great respect for every team member’s opinion. Sometimes it becomes a real pain to alleviate everyone’s doubts about the story.  Still, it brings us some benefits in the end: we hopefully avoid ugly plot holes and weird gameplay decisions. Moreover, every team member knows that he can take part in discussing any part of the game he feels he needs to; thus they feel more immersed in the development process.

Execution Place Concept

Well, to be frank we have a very critical approach to our game. After the months spent on testing our game, implementing new features, renewing the visuals – we just get used to seeking only flaws. And so, it becomes even worse after the release because there will still be some things we could do better, which look like an eyesore to us. But then a couple of months pass, we start a new project, and when we somehow see the previous game it goes something like, “Hey! It looks pretty good! Why didn’t we play it earlier?”

Sure thing. For both Nightmare Realm games we had a huge amount of fantasy drawing world concepts. I think it was somewhere around ten or fifteen. But at the end of this leap of imagination there was always a budget man with huge scissors in his hands. We really wanted our players to see all of these worlds in the first two games, but there is always a moment when somebody’s gotta say, “enough.” Well, the good news is that we already have materials for our future games, which we’ll definitely share with our appreciative Big Fish audience.

Prison Ventilation Concept

The ideas floating around the world provoke something like a “cluster effect,” where two people working independently on some matter can get the very same results. The game development industry is not an exclusion. I can remember at least one fantasy world concept that we had to ditch. We considered making a picture of a train going nowhere in total darkness. First, we needed to find out what was happening, then find the engine man, fix the radio, find a way to stop the train – all that jazz. Imagine our surprise when we first saw “Timeless” release! After having a brief look at its first location we understood – the whole concept needed to be buried. It was great luck that we hadn’t made any final art yet!  I can also remember some game concepts that were quite similar to our ideas, but hey – do we need to give them all away now? We still can rework them beyond recognition, leaving just the cool original ideas they surely have!

Prison Concept

I maybe sound like a support service manager once again, but every opinion is really important to us. We monitored our previous games’ forums thoroughly and will definitely do this after Nightmare Realm: In the End releases.  We always want to make our game a bit better, and our players are the ones who can help us to do so. And if the feedback is negative – we’re ready for a bitter pill that will make us stronger. Still, all our artists are girls though, so don’t push too hard on them – they are so easy to offend!

Conor is a Marketing Manager with Big Fish, working out of the Seattle office. In his spare time he enjoys watching science documentaries and playing old school adventure games. Get in touch with him on Twitter!

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Dragon Crossroads

All Games : Strategy Games : Dragon Crossroads

Times of great peril give rise to even greater heroes - or so the story goes in Dragon Crossroads, a time management game with a fantasy twist! When an evil magician invades a peaceful realm, leaving a path of destruction in his wake and steals a dragon's baby, a young man sets out to reclaim the kingdom, rebuild the land and rescue the newborn.

Ogres, goblins and worse lie ahead, ready to stop you in your tracks, so step carefully into the fray! With more than 50 levels across five gorgeous settings and five stunning comic book-style interludes, Dragon Crossroads will captivate you for hours on end!

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Forbidden Vampire Romance

All Games : Hidden Object Games : Forbidden Vampire Romance

You are in love with a vampire, and your love shall not be denied! Make your dream of eternal love a reality by solving multiple hidden object scenes in this free online hidden object adventure game!

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Here are some hints on how to play Lost in the Garden.

Tips & Tricks

Hint Hint - At the bottom right of the game is a hint button - feel free to use it!

Repeat Please - Some objects appear in more than one vampire scene - once you learn what to look for, this makes it much easier to spot them!

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Sisters Secrecy

All Games : Hidden Object Games : Sisters Secrecy

Ariel and Belle were dropped off at an orphanage long ago and cannot remember their parents. Now, Belle has been kidnapped and Ariel goes off in pursuit of her twin sister.

Ariel's search leads her to a backwater European town that time forgot and where magic fills the air. The locals tell tales of bloodless bodies turning up and strange silhouettes floating in the night sky. Discover the connection between these strange events and Belle's abduction in this exciting hidden object puzzle adventure.

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Hidden Object 10 in 1 Bundle

All Games : Hidden Object Games : Hidden Object 10 in 1 Bundle

Enjoy a collection of magical adventures with the Hidden Object Fun 10-in-1 Bundle, an incredible set of 10 games for one amazing low price. All of these are guaranteed to keep you entertained with incredible seek-and-find challenges and a delightful assortment of themes.

Explore hundreds of scenes for thousands of items in the following games: 1001 Nights - The Adventures of Sinbad, Magic Encyclopedia - First Sign, Natalie Brooks - Secrets of Treasure House, Superior Save, Journey of Hope, Treasure Masters, Hamlet, Holly - A Christmas Tale Deluxe, Holly 2 - Magic Land, and The Jolly Gang's Spooky Adventure.

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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Nexus 7 Giveaway – Presented by Big Fish Unlimited

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With Big Fish Unlimited, you have 100+ games at your fingertips. Play instantly. No downloads. Sounds great, right?

It gets better.

Big Fish Unlimited is now supported on PC and Android devices, and saves your progress in the cloud every time you play. What this means is that you can start playing a game on your PC at home, head down to your favorite coffee shop or any other wi-fi hotspot, pull out your Nexus 7 tablet and pick up right where you left off in your game.

What’s that? You don’t have a Nexus 7? Are you feeling lucky?

We’re so excited about our new cloud gaming service that we’re giving away (10) 8GB Google Nexus 7 tablets so that you can see what it’s like to enjoy your games wherever you go — and it doesn’t stop there! In addition to a Nexus 7 tablet, each of our 10 lucky winners will also receive a $25 Google Play gift card, as well as a 100-day premium Big Fish Unlimited subscription.

It’s simple. Just visit the Big Fish Games Facebook page and complete the Nexus 7 Giveaway entry form, providing your first and last name, along with your email address and state of residency. For an alternate means of entry, you may send an email containing the same information to

> Click Here to Enter <

To be eligible, you must be a legal resident of the United States (excluding RI) or the District of Columbia, and you must be 18 years or older. Only one entry per person will be accepted, and all entries must be received by 11:59 pm PST, December 30, 2012. See our Official Rules in their entirety here.

Good luck!

Josh is the Social Media Manager at Big Fish Games. If you're sleuth-y enough, you'll be able to find him on Twitter, where you'll catch him tweeting away about all things related to social media and gaming.

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All Games : Strategy Games : Edgeworld

Edgeworld? is a hardcore social game from that immerses players in an epic battle for dominance of an abandoned alien planet.

Edgeworld thrusts players into a massively multiplayer sci-fi world of real-time strategy play, a world that mixes base and empire building, diplomacy and tactical combat. Players mine valuable resources, build and defend their bases, plan strategy and battle enemies in order to expand their territory in their quest to control Cerulea IV. The game's design enables millions of gamers worldwide to play with and against each other in real time, encouraging players to form friendships and alliances.

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World Mosaics 6

All Games : Puzzle Games : World Mosaics 6

The hourglass of time has been stolen by the infamous cat burglar La Forge! Solve pictographic puzzles as you travel across the globe and through time itself. Journey through critical points in history from the Napoleonic wars, the birth of the United States, and many more.

Solve over 100 puzzles in Story Mode, then tackle another 150 Bonus Puzzles. Looking for more challenge? See if you can 3 Star every puzzle by completing each puzzle without making a mistake or using a hint. It's up to you solve the puzzles and stop La Forge in World Mosaics 6!

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