Monday, February 27, 2012

How to Become a Video Game Tester

What is a video game tester? How to become a video game tester?

Let me start by giving a brief history of video game testing. In the early days of

Computer game development, the games were much simpler in scope, usually about 2 testers are used for simple games and the programmers were able to do all the testing and bug finding. With the acceleration and rapid increase of computer hardware power, modern video and computer games are a much more complex software and design. Larger and wider variety of video game testers are needed to ensure success of the video game. If there is a glitch in the game after it is released commercially, the company would stand to lose big bucks. Therefore, through testing and quality control before release is of tantamount important.

What does the video game tester actually do and do I need a degree to do it? In a nutshell, the video game tester is usually hired or get involved in the development cycle at half to 75% stage. The role of the video game tester is primarily to analyze video or computer games to find software defects, commonly called bugs. To be a good video game tester, you need to have attention to details, good at communicating your finding to the developers and able to play the same game over and over in a certain period of time, in return, you can expect to get paid. The pay level depends on your experience. You do not have to have a degree to be a good video game tester, a lot of people became a video game tester while holding another job or still at school.

How to become a video game tester? Not many of these kinds of jobs are advertised in or Therefore searching in those sites is usually not productive. If you know a game developer, then it is usually a good connection to get involved as a game tester for the game that developer is developing. In addition, the developer could potentially introduce you to other game developers. Another way to find a job as a video game tester is to actually go to the websites of game developing companies and search for job listings in their website, there are many game company out there, you can spend a lot of time just to find them though. Or you can get to a site that has already done that research for you, with a database of jobs as video game tester, become a member of that site, directly go to the website member's area and apply for those jobs.

This article is meant to give you an introduction to a potentially very lucrative job. If you are a gamer, you are already spending time playing games, it is a very good way to make some money while having fun. Visiting here to Get More Information and start making money playing game

Visiting here to Get More Information and start making money playing game []

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