Friday, February 24, 2012

Why are the 80 games the best?

Evoking the 1980s never it would be complete without mentioning the 80 or so games. A video game is a machine of games of coins you would normally find in entertainment, recreation centers and even in restaurants. Popular games are redemption games that give players rewards based on their score in the game; video games controlled by computer; and games of pinball in which the player manipulates one or more balls of metal in a level playing field.


Arcade games began to be so popular in the early 1970s. Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney was Atari which launched the video game Pong (ping pong or table tennis-based) which became almost worldwide favorite. The success of the video game Pong, spawned many imitators and had created more avid players of video. Finally recreational abounded throughout the 1980s. It is found in shopping malls, shops, bars and even in restaurants and cinemas. They are everywhere in the United States

Popular in the years 80 Arcade games

In the 1980s, games became even more popular. Some of the most influential of the years 80 games were as follows:

Space Invaders - this game, one of the predecessors of modern video games, was created by Toshihiro Nishikado Japanese. It was first released in 1978 in Japan. This arcade game mimics a shooting gallery with a mobile laser (resembling a cannon) placed below the video screen. There were foreign video were designed to interrupt the game by passing through the screen and raining bombs and rays that are fatal. The player's goal is to avoid these deadly rays and bombs and shoot aliens so that they do not reach the bottom of the screen or otherwise, he or she will lose in the game.

Pac-Man - this was created by Namco and was distributed in 1980. Game is still popular today, although it has already taken new forms. In comparison with the 1980s many games, Pac-Man was not violent, was easy to play and was pleasant, which explains why clicks in both young and old, girls and boys.

The yellow circle with a mouth called Pac-Man makes people remember this game so well over the years. The game is played by maneuvers Pac-Man through the maze, allowed eating small dots and awards of another element in the path. On the other hand, called Inky, Pinky, Blinky and Clyde ghosts Chase Pac-Man.

Donkey Kong - another video which grew so popular among the other 80 games played Donkey Kong. It was made by Nintendo and was introduced in 1981. Basically the game is played by the main character, Mario (Jumpman previously), through a series of platforms for manoeuvre. Mario goes through the platforms, he has to get rid of the obstacles impeding rescue a damsel in distress at the hands of Donkey Kong.

The above are only some of the most popular of the years 80 arcade games. There was also the battle, Pengo, Tron, Tetris, Rubik's cube, and many others. The madness of the years 80 games only began to calm down at the end of the 1980s, when new forms of entertainment progressing as video game consoles were introduced home but 80 games not disappear completely until the arrival of games as the ll Street Fighter that requires two players.

Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest games and recreational activities. For more information about the 1980s arcade games, please, drop on

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