Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How To Get More Video Game Tester Jobs With One Simple Step

If there is one thing that every professional video game tester has in common, it's the need for more testing jobs. Because of all the up and coming video game testers, there seems to be far less video game tester jobs available than there once was. Does this mean you won't be able to get any testing jobs? No, not at all. It simply means that getting high paying jobs will be slightly more difficult. Luckily, though, there is a way for video game testers to level the playing field and funnel more jobs to themselves; and that way is through "experience".

You have heard it before and you will hear it again; experience counts for a lot in this industry. However, you can't expect to get a video game testing job simply because you play video games all the time. Experience is one thing, having lots of free time is something else entirely. With that being said, instead of merely telling video game companies that you "play games a lot", you have to add a bit finesse and even a small amount of bragging. The goal here is paint a clear picture for them. A picture that says "Qualified Expert With Plenty Of Expertise". If you can do that, you are a shoo-in for landing more video game tester jobs.

"Alright, I know what to do. Now, I just need to know how to do it." Well, it really isn't hard. As mentioned above, experience is your window of opportunity here, which means you have to exploit it as much as humanly possible. Therefore, rather than just playing games, do something more with your gaming talents; something that is sure to get their attention.

Although game developers like to hire people whom play video games, they love applicants who play games, operate their own gaming website/blog, and are part of numerous gaming communities (such as forums). So, in a nut shell, if you want more video game tester jobs, you really only need to set-up a website or blog and be more active in the gaming community. It's really as simple as that.

Things You Should Write About on Your Blog or Website:

Write in depth reviews for games that you have played
Talk about recent Video Game News
Tell the readers why you did or did not like a particular game
List any helpful tips or hints that might help other gamers
Add cheat codes that you have found to be useful while playing a certain game
Talk about some of the glitches that you have come across and tell your readers how they can reproduce those glitches.

With all the different ways you can get more video game experience, there is no absolutely no reason why you should be turned down due to "lack of experience." If that happens, then you are simply not putting in enough effort and need to reevaluate your game plan.

Remember: Everything and anything that has to do with video games is "Experience". Therefore, no matter what the accomplishment, big or small, be sure the company knows about it.

Do You Think You Are Ready For a Career as a Video Game Tester? Are You Prepared To Make Up To $50 an Hour Testing Video Games? If You Are, Click Here To Find Out How To Get Started With Your Very Own Video Game Testing Career.

To Get More Information on Video Game Testing & a Free "Quick Start" Game Tester E-book, Visit This Website...

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