Saturday, March 10, 2012

Online games and Offline games: Are they good for my kids?

Games are the latest craze of the preteens and teens. All children who can operate computer love to play and enjoy games. This is the reason why there are so many games available in the market. In fact today kids wait for a new game to be launched so they can enjoy the games together with their friends and learn the keys and short-keys.

Gaming started with simple yet interesting games like the snake, pinball, etc. These simple yet interesting games made it possible to raise the imagination of the people who made games. Later, there came on the graphic games which were all set to provide genuine setting and incomparable fun. The earliest games in the graphics category were the Wolf, Wolf2, Doom, Doom2, and the later versions.

Today games are all the more sophisticated and involve a lot of graphics, not just that they are more ready to be in sync with the player than the games were ever before; you can choose the weapons, the difficulty levels, the settings, color, etc. This has made games more interactive and interesting for the young generation. More often that not your will find your young one discussing what he found hidden away in the secret chamber of a game and what short key did he use for that.

Games they might be online or offline allow the children enough enjoyment, online games are more competitive and children can compete with people from all over the Internet. You can also play games for money, where the winner ends up winning bid, this is a great source of income for all those who have gained an expertise. In fact the gaming industry online has reached the mark of several million dollars each year.

Gaming industry has reportedly seen the highest throughout the history as more and more people enjoy the pleasure of being able to enjoy from their homes. Scientists have suggested frequent gaming might be able to increase the reflex action speed as well as the precision, since most of the games today expect you to make hits more precisely than ever before.

Games have their own benefits; these might not be so good for your child's health. Children require going outdoor and enjoying growing up with a lot of activity. You will require to monitor whether your child spends time outdoors, if not it might result in obesity and we all are well acquainted how harmful to your child's health obesity can be.

Some games manufacturers have unscrupulously tried to involve adult content in the games; therefore, it is very necessary that parents should monitor the games which their children play. You will find adult content especially in action games, so you need to be aware of it.

Gaming and games per se, is not at all harmful, in fact it is enjoyable and requires use of precision and concentration, but also make sure that you child completes his study with the same concentration as he plays his games.

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