Sunday, April 1, 2012

Beta Game Testers Needed - Earn Up To $120 An Hour Playing Video Games From Your Room!

Game Developers Spend Millions On Their Games And Beta Game Testers Are Sorely Needed Read on to find out how you can find video game testing jobs and earn up to $120 an hour playing video games.

A word of caution. You need to take action. This is only information, but to make a career in gaming a reality you need to take the necessary steps. Be willing to work at it! With that in mind, let's move in.

Beta Game Testers Needed....Fact Or Fiction?

It's not too good to be true. You can make a very honest living getting paid to play video games. Beta game testers are needed to insure quality game production. The cost of paying you a few thousand dollars to play their game v.s. the cost of a million dollar (or more) game recall should make it clear: you save the game developer millions of dollars on costly recalls of buggy games. Plus you preserve their reputations.

Why don't the programmers find the bugs?

Programmers are paid $40-$50 an hour to program the game not play it. Given the amount of variation in game play and the time required to test the game it would be impossible to expect the programmers to find all the bugs.

You are the white knight, coming in and saving the game from errors and glitches. It's an important, but sometimes tedious, job.

Where do I find these jobs?

Simple. You keep a diligent eye on a bunch of game developer websites. Keep checking them until you see a posting for beta testers.

Here is a short list of some game developers:




What are the requirements for getting hired as a beta tester?

Usually you need to be over 18. But other than that, no specific education is required. A strong passion for gaming is a plus.

What are some tips to getting hired for my first video game testing job?

1. Find out the name of the person in charge of hiring the game testers

2. Write or call them and let them know you are interested in becoming a tester for their company.

3. Start building a relationship with people in the gaming industry: it's not what you know, it's who you know.

4. Offer to work your first job for free. This will really help get your foot in the door. Besides, working your first job for free isn't as bad as it sounds, you're still playing video games!

Now you have a good understanding of becoming a video game tester and why beta game testers are needed. Now it's up to you to get out there and start building your gaming resume.

Anthony has been an avid gamer for the past 20 years. He is currently into first person shooters.

To really make money playing video games, you should learn from a professional gamer who is actually doing it. Click here to get the hottest and most up-to-date strategies and tips from a professional gamer and land your first testing job in a few days!

P.S. You can land your first job in your first few days of diligent search---but just in case you can't, click the link, it has a 6 month to 2 year program from a professional video game tester who is making a living playing video games. He will keep you updated every month and provide on going support until you land that first game testing job. Click here now to get your video game testing career started today!

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