Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It Seems Incredible That You Can Become A Game Tester And Earn $120 An Hour Playing Video Games

You can become a video game tester! It's easier than you think!

The requirements to become a game tester are that you speak English, and you can communicate clearly. Find jobs can take a little finesse but it can be done. No degree required.

Where can I find game tester jobs?

Video game tester jobs are not as obviously available as other types of jobs. They require some diligent searching and relationship building. The best place to start looking is the game developer websites like EA, Acclaim, and Microsoft. Check for game job posting regularly. Apply immediately.

How can I improve my chance of getting a game tester job when I find one?

If you seriously want to become a game tester, you need to start building relationships. Here are 2 powerful tips to building relationships:

2 Tips To Get The Game Tester Job

Find out whose in charge of hiring: get to know who hires the game testers. Send him an email now and then, let him know you are interested in becoming a game tester, and give him a copy of your resume. Do this BEFORE job openings are posted.

Offer to work your first job for free. If you find a video game tester job opening but aren't sure if you will be picked, offer to work for free. This will get your foot in the door and open a flood of opportunities in the future.

What are the perks of testing video games?

Quite a few:

o You get to play unreleased games

o You get to keep the games

o You can work from

o You can work the hours you want

o You get access to developer only cheats & exploits

o You can earn anywhere from $10-$120 an hour!

Why would I even get paid to play video games for a developer? This seems too good to be true....

Well, when you consider how big the gaming industry is ($50 billion), it should become obvious how vital game testers are to the formula. Video game testers save game developers millions of dollars in costly recalls.

If a game ships with bugs that make it unplayable, the developer will have to recall the game. This will cost a lot of money, and hurt their reputation. Paying you $50 an hour to play their game and find major bugs is a minor expense. It's like insurance: you pay a little, you are covered for a lot!

I hope you see how important you are the formula and have an idea of where to go from here on your road to becoming a game tester. Get out there and get gaming!

Anthony has been an avid gamer for the past 20 years. He is currently into first person shooters.

To really make money playing video games, you should learn from a professional gamer who is actually doing it. Click here to get the hottest and most up-to-date strategies and tips from a professional gamer and land your first testing job in a few days!

P.S. You can land your first job in your first few days of diligent search---but just in case you can't, click the link, it has a 6 month to 2 year program from a professional video game tester who is making a living playing video games. He will keep you updated every month and provide on going support until you land that first game testing job. Click here now to get your video game testing career started today!

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