Saturday, May 5, 2012

Games on Demand - The Beginning of the End For Piracy

Games on demand is a new innovative update to the aging game rental industry which has been active since the early 1980s. Games on Demand is basically a rental system which takes advantage of today's broadband capabilities and intelligent encryption/compression technology designed to digitally distribute games.

Purchasing a game means you will pay the full retail price even if you dislike the game and regret buying it. Damage the CD and it becomes unusable there's nothing you can do about it. The only considerable advantage to buying from a retail outlet is the rights to use play the game indefinitely.

In comparison Games on Demand offers titles at a fraction of the retail price, allows low risk trials before purchase and you can re-download a game when needed. Don't like a game? No problem, just download another one, there's games for every taste. While you can download as many games as you want you a limited by subscription when palying them - what this means is you must be subscribed to play them. Think of it like a broadband service, just for games, if you don't have broadband(games on demand) you can't download the games. All services will allow you to download at your maximum download speed as well as being limited to your broadband speed. While this can mean downloading for a few hours it can be a lot quicker than running the store if you've got the average broadband connection.

Piracy broke the locks of PC game rentals many years ago when piracy software made copying games quick and easy. customers would copy the games form the disk to their computer, then return the game. Games on Demand uses digital rights management technology to deliver games to their customer. This means program files are scrambled and encrypted meaning you can't copy their games. This means that you can subscribe to Games on Demand for a very low price and download legitimate up-to-date patched games which are fully playable online. Indiagames is a perfect example of how piracy is being "knocked on the head" due to the incredibly low price to subscribe to games on demand services. At the bottom of this article there is a website with a video for India games which talks about the effect Games on demand is having on piracy.

Games on demand is a legitimate service that is pushing boundaries to delivery games very cheaply. This is made possible because a fraction of the subscription fee is royalty to the publishers/developers of the game. Customers pay a fraction of the retail price to download the game while the creators get paid for their labour.

Games on Demand services like Metaboli use streaming technology allows you to play a game before it has been fully downloaded, this drastically reduces perceived delivery time since only a portion of the data is needed to play parts of the game. the downside is game interruption so the game may pause while downloading the required files - although everything is done to ensure this does not happen, this is called predictive streaming.

Discover the most amazing gaming service you'll ever experience Games on Demand []

More Games on Demand information - Games on Demand []

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