Sunday, July 20, 2014

Behind the Curtain – The Making of Ominous Objects

Hot off the success of Dark Dimensions: Somber Song, Daily Magic Productions has just unveiled their latest game! This time, it’s the start of a brand new series called Ominous Objects.

Ominous Objects: Family Portrait has been in development at Daily Magic for quite some time. After many hardships, an entire world’s worth of revisions, and many long nights spent pouring over every detail, Ominous Objects has reached its final form. It is a truly unique and exciting new adventure.

Instead of becoming lost in an ancient maze or sucked into a dark dimension, the Ominous Objects games will challenge players to solve the mystery of cursed objects that threaten their lives.

In Family Portrait, the paintings in your new home have come to life, unleashing monsters, creating traps, and opening portals to another world. You play as a father trying to save his family from the clutches of the mysterious force behind these paintings. However, unlike Daily Magic’s other adventures, this time you won’t be alone.

Meet Mr. Jenkins! He’s a clever young cat who belongs to your children in the game. Once you find him inside your house, he’ll perch on your toolbar and accompany you wherever you go. Have you ever found yourself facing an obstacle in a game that’s difficult for a human to overcome? Have you ever wished that you were much shorter or more agile? That’s where Mr. Jenkins comes in!

But you might be asking yourself why did Daily Magic choose a cat as the player’s companion? After all, felines aren’t known for being particularly helpful – unless, of course, there’s a tasty treat being offered to them. However, in this case, you could say that this cat actually chose Daily Magic!

That’s right! Mr. Jenkins is actually based off a real cat, or more accurately, several cats. While they were in the beginning stages of designing the game, the development team kept encountering Siamese Himalayan cats. One developer spotted one crossing the street, while another dreamed of one! When they discussed these encounters, yet another developer revealed that they owned a similar cat as a pet. These experiences alone were strange coincidences, but what happened next was almost magical.

One Monday morning, as the team entered the office, they were greeted by a beautiful Siamese Himalayan cat staring up at them, as if to welcome them. To this day, no one knows for sure how the cat even got into the office, because all of the windows and doors were locked! After the cat presented itself to Daily Magic, it wandered away, leaving just as mysteriously as it had arrived. This strange event led to the creation of Mr. Jenkins, who has wriggled his way into the hearts of the development team and even onto their desks!

The people at Daily Magic believe that great games are made when the developers put pieces of themselves into a game. The hearts of every artist and programmer are embedded deeply into each location, character, and mini-game that you will see in the game. Ominous Objects: Family Portrait was a labor of love, and the development team sincerely hopes that you will enjoy their hard work.

Conor is a Marketing Manager with Big Fish, working out of the Seattle office. In his spare time he enjoys watching science documentaries and playing old school adventure games. Get in touch with him on Twitter! or Google+

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