Friday, September 21, 2012

3 Epic Video Game Marriage Proposals

What’s your fantasy wedding proposal? Do you imagine a simple candlelit dinner or something showy like, say, a flash mob wedding proposal complete with a marching band? The classic, down-on-one-knee proposal has been the pinnacle of romantic stories for generations, but it’s far from the only option, and many people these days are personalizing the moment. Fans of video games are no exception. Here are three examples of epic video game marriage proposals!

Couple playing video games

1. Custom-built Portal 2 level

We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again: Playing co-op mode brings couples together. One man took that idea to a whole new level. As Time magazine reported last year, Gary Hudston contacted Valve’s Ellen McLain, the voice actress behind the villainous artificial intelligence system GLaDoS from Portal 2, and a few other designers, to make a fully-developed custom level for his girlfriend to play through.

Of course, a few clues to Hudston’s true intentions were scattered throughout the level, including the following voice acting from McClain:

“The enrichment center thanks you for participating in this Aperture Science emotional testing program. Possible side effects of the testing include: weakness of the knees, palpitations, uncontrollable blushing, euphoria, depression, crippling emotional trauma and death. But the most important thing is to have fun with it.”

Fortunately, death didn’t end up occurring as a result. After his girlfriend successfully completed the level, the game’s dialogue asked if she would be Hudston’s wife. She turned around in her computer chair to find him on one knee and, just like that, the two were engaged. Not to mention, the Portal 2 level that was created for the whole stunt is also pretty good, according to Time.

2. Proposal via iOS game

Although it ends up proving that Puzzle games (and love) conquer all, this tale of romance begins with an iOS application. As Cult of Mac reported earlier this year, one adventurous heartthrob named Joe wanted to find a way to incorporate his girlfriend’s Apple app fanaticism into a wedding proposal. So the lovestruck explorer reached out to the developer of Foozle, one of his girlfriend’s favorite iOS games.

According to Cult of Mac, William Thurston, the game’s developer, liked the idea so much that he created a unique copy of Foozle for Joe and his girlfriend. The special version contained the following: “Jen, I love you with all my heart and nothing would make me happier than to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” And, below the proposal, a clickable “yes” button.

This story does come with a bit of a warning to others who wish to begin a life of love with a video game. There was some concern about the effectiveness of his tactic when Joe’s girlfriend struggled to get past the seventh level, which was where the proposal was hidden. Fortunately, not only did she complete the game, she said yes!

3. The Super Mario living room proposal

So what happens if you don’t have a video game developer’s phone number on speed dial? This doesn’t have to stop you from bringing video games and romance together. All the Super Mario video game proposal requires is a little knowledge of interior design, some paper and tape. Thankfully, one man also had the courage to put the scene on YouTube.

The scene begins with a man struggling to recover from a fit of nervous laughter. After the man fixes a Mario-style question-mark block that is hanging from the ceiling of a room designed to look like a scene from a the game, the doorbell rings – enter April, the girlfriend. April walks in to find her boyfriend kneeling in the room. Just like the heroic plumber, April is instructed to use her head to hit the hanging block in the middle of the room. And, wouldn’t you know it, a wedding ring appears!

As SilvasRW’s YouTube channel states, April is a huge fan of the Mario series and has played it for 19 years. In order to make the Mario magic happen, the living room walls were covered in sheets of printer paper, and the lucky guy stayed up two days straight to make sure everything was perfect – now that’s dedication! In addition to making the game a part of the proposal, the couple used Mario Kart-themed music at the reception.

Oh, and they will be going two years strong on October 17. Happy anniversary, you two!

View the original article here

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