Saturday, September 22, 2012

5 Upsides To Gaming - There Is More To Gaming Than Horrors

Gaming, video and computer, has caught the imagination of the world and is extremely popular. However like anything else there are benefits as well as horrors. The horrors of gaming are widely publicized and well known.

Did you know that gaming can contribute towards improving your skills and mind? Research shows that gaming can also help patients with mental ailments like Alzheimer’s. Children who play games monitored by concerned parents are known to perform much better in school and excel in mathematics as well as creative subjects.

1. Gaming is known to improve visual skills. Avid gamers develop the ability to process what they see rapidly and take quick-fire decisions. The gap between anything happening and the reply is spilt second.

2. Kids who enjoy games develop quickly the ability to think on their feet. They are able to “problem solve” efficiently without a pause.

3. Gamers learn to innovate. If they find one path a dead end they quickly think of ways to circumvent the block or dead end. The ability to rationalize and think in a holistic manner is sharpened.

4. Gaming improves co-ordination. The hand eye co-ordination is greatly enhanced by frequent gaming.

5. Games capture the attention of kids who then read extensively with the aim of mastering the game. Kids who are reluctant readers otherwise begin reading and in a roundabout way enhance vocabulary as well as writing skills.

Be well informed and know about initiatives like “the games for health project” by the Serious Games Initiative at and others like Nintendo which have designed a brain training series see:, almost five million copies were sold in 2005 when the games were released in Japan.

Using popular fictional characters like the Nintendo Donkey Kong or Mario the games lead the player through math problems, mental exercises, drawing figures on a touch screen, and reading classic literature. The performance of players is presented in terms of brain age and the higher your scores the younger your brain.

Not to be left behind Upstart Games the mobile phone developer is promoting IQ Academy. Here the level of gamers’ recognition skills, logical prediction, and spatial resolution are evaluated. After rating the player’s abilities the games are reworked to ensure improvement of performance. The puzzles sharpen faculties. See: [].

That gaming has an upside is now confirmed and if handled right it will benefit both you and your child. Many industry leaders are working with scientists to develop products that will benefit gamers in many ways.

Brain training as its known promises to unclog the minds of gamers and set the wheels turning in the right direction, it enhances brain function and even helps heal. Gaming prepares the next generation for the unending demands and pressure placed by a fast moving world.

Exercise your mind while enjoying yourself.

Andrew Bermam is a freelance writer for, the premier website to play thousands of free online games including arcade games, action games, card games, flash games, strategy games, puzzle games and many more. He also freelances for Free Software Downloads Site

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