Saturday, March 9, 2013

Emerald ComiCon 2013 City: Costume Roundup

What a whirlwind weekend at Emerald City ComiCon! Whether you live too far from Seattle to attend or you couldn’t buy tickets before they sold out, I was pounding the pavement to bring you some of my highlights.

Lauren at Emerald City ComiCon 2013(Thanks to Brian Fioca for snapping this photo of me.)

Here’s a hand-picked collection of the costumes that you might have missed but definitely need to see—no badge required. (We don’t need no stinkin’ badges anyways.)

Look for coverage on the comics and collectables of ECCC later on the Big Fish Blog! I promise you’ll learn about a comic or two that will make you ask, “Where has this been all my life?”

No doubt the crown jewel of ECCC is the show-stopping cosplay, and nothing backs up the crowded hallways more than attendees marveling over costumed kids. Seriously. Impressive. (And a round of applause to the adults whom helped them!)

Star Wars Kids

Consider my heart stolen. The guy in the foreground even made the little alien noises. That’s Batman on the right, but next time he should go as Luke Skywalker.

Superhero Family

Don’t let my bad iPhone photo detract from the awesomeness of these kids. Bonus points to the amazing little Wolverine girl – she was flexing her muscles.


Aidan is one of the most convincing Robins I’ve ever met.

Optimus Prime

This 3-year-old is now ruined for life. He was a superstar with the paparazzi swarming his excellent mini Optimus Prime.

No convention is complete without the strong costumed women roaming the halls.

The Avengers

Love this rendition of The Avengers. I snapped this photo right after Nick Fury and Nighthawk stumbled across the group of women and joined in for a killer photo op.

Poison Ivy and Wonder Woman

I’la makes a lovely jail-braked Poison Ivy. Son Yong created the first D.C. Bombshells’ Wonder Woman costume I’ve seen yet!

Lemon Pledge & Arrietty

The maid from FAMILY GUY meets Arrietty (from Miyazaki’s The Secret World of Arrietty). I imagine they share a peaceful coexistence: the maid lets Arrietty live in the house and Arrietty stealthily fetches her more Lemon Pledge.


Supergirl and evil Supergirl! They played their parts well – even evil Supergirl has her bellybutton pierced. Edgy!

Punk Bowser and Peach

Peach and Bowser get a little punk makeover.

Wonder Woman

Erica has a number of Wonder Woman costume concepts that she created herself. Here’s one that looks immediately recognizable, functional, AND comfortable!

Steampunk and Sprite

The intricate steampunk concept caught my eye. Then I geeked out when I realized her friend was creatively dressed as a sprite from Miyazaki’s Spirited Away! Eeeeee!!!


Babydoll from Sucker Punch, here to save the day!

Kill Bill

Great Kill Bill group. I love that The Bride is accurate right down to the patches that appear on the movie poster.

Sucker Punch Labyrinth

Another most excellent Sucker Punch heroine. Looks like she got pulled into The Labyrinth.

Don’t throw away those kids bedsheets from the 1980s! The style trend at this year’s ECCC was converting the geek fabric to dresses and skirts. Here are a few that I was able to capture.

Star Wars Comics Dress

She was able to find this pattern at a local craft store! Geek fabric is alive and well!

Star Wars Fighter Dress

I (almost literally) ran into her again the next day. Her X-wing “hat” grabbed my attention.

Comic Dresses

The gal on the left is adorned in pulp fiction novel covers, and her friend on the right was able to find a pattern of images from what I think are Edward Gorey books.

Retro Dress

Good ‘ol retro comics of women from the 1940s and 1950s!

Finding people who not only know of your favorite childhood heroes but also dress up like them makes my convention.

Super Mario Bros.

Mario’s outnumbered. What’d you guys do with Luigi?

Super Mario Girls

Oh, there (s)he is!


You’d be surprised to know that there were several realistic R2-D2s rolling around the convention floor. (Or maybe not?) I love the copper colors on this one!

Inspector Gadget

“OH MY GOD IT’S INSPECTOR GADGET!” I barreled down several innocent bystanders to get to this kid, who was startled by and confused at my excitement.

Scooby-Doo Gang

I ran into a very nice, normal-looking Scooby-Doo gang, so I had to photobomb them as Zombie Hunter Velma. (I’m the bloody one on the far right.)

Cable and Hope

Steve is dressed up as Cable from Marvel comics. Yes, that baby is totally a part of the costume – it’s Cable’s daughter, Hope. I love a man who’s man enough to carry his child on his chest.

Emerald City ComiCon Mascots

You know conventions have reached a professional level when they have their own commissioned mascots – in costume.

Mass Effect 3

Very impressive Mass Effect 3 costume. This guy’s legs must have been sore by the end of the day.

Nick Fury

Nick Fury is figuring out how to fit his new pal Totoro into The Avengers.

Which costume was your favorite? Be sure to check the Big Fish Blog later for my comics and collectibles picks!

Lauren is a lifelong gaming fan. She expresses her love of strong female pop-culture characters by costuming at conventions. Internet marketing consulting, playing the clarinet and sax, practicing martial arts, and geeking out over tea keeps her busy the rest of the time. Find more of her shenanigans on Twitter and Google+!

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