Tuesday, March 26, 2013

WWII Pin-up Style Meets Modern-Day Feminism in D.C. Bombshells Series

Pinup girls on the side of bomber planes are iconic symbols of World War II America. The pouty lips! The flirty winks! The playful poses!

Enough of that sweet and delicate stuff. What if they were transformed into superwomen and were ready to fight shoulder-to-shoulder with the men?

D.C. Comics answers with their Bombshells figurine collector series. These well-known strongwomen embody the “can-do” spirit of the era imbued with modern-day feminism. After all, women of the day contributed their own superpowers to the war effort.

Bombshell Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman is channeling her inner Rosie the Riveter.

Supergirl is ready to take to the skies.

Pin-up artist extraordinaire Ant Lucia penciled the concepts for D.C. Comics.

Supergirl Concept Art

These lovely ladies stand a generous 11 inches – tall by collector statue standards. They’re hand-painted and will be selling for $129.95. But you’ll have to wait a little longer – Wonder Woman is slated for August 2013, and Supergirl, September 2013.

BONUS! This is just the beginning in a series! Next will be Poison Ivy followed by Harley Quinn, who (according to Plastikitty), will be riding a bomb. Of course. That trouble-maker.

Harley Quinn is still in the works, so you’ll have to hold tight for just a little longer.

Anyone out there inspired to recreate these costumes? I’m hyped to try Supergirl (after I hit the gym, of course). I just love the intricate details on her bodice as well as her charismatic expression.

Lauren is a lifelong gaming fan. She expresses her love of strong female pop-culture characters by costuming at conventions. Internet marketing consulting, playing the clarinet and sax, practicing martial arts, and geeking out over tea keeps her busy the rest of the time. Find more of her shenanigans on Twitter @lstigerts and Google+!

View the original article here

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