Saturday, June 30, 2012

Making Games With International Appeal - The Importance of Localization

Capturing a larger audience is the goal of any game developer and they can spend weeks or months developing the game but often fail to include localization of the game. Major game portals recognize the importance of making their web sites more accessible so they often have multiple language settings and this is something game developers should learn from from. Web games often rely on word of mouth distribution so why not increase your chances of success by localizing the game to reach a broader international audience.

Recognizing the importance of this extra step of work that could help increase your web games international appeal is something many game developers should take to heart. If you plan properly for this step ahead of time, it is a fairly inexpensive and easy step to add to any game you develop. Localization can seem like a daunting task but I will outline some helpful tips for any game developer to easily add this feature and hopefully increase their international player base.

Upon visiting some of the more prominent game portals you will notice you usually have a language setting that you can set the language of the web page. Unfortunately many of the games they offer do not allow this same choice once you are actually playing the game which could be potentially a turn off for any prospective gamers. Frustrating the player by not having something as simple as menu text or buttons is something that should be avoided at all costs.

Why would this extra work be important if you can't even speak or write the language you are localizing the game? I will break this down into two parts. One part is understanding the importance of potential new users from emerging gamer markets such as Latin America and European countries such as Poland. The other part is realizing it is unrealistic to do the localization yourself but rather how to inexpensively outsource the localization work to companies that specialize in those areas.

The importance of the Latin American market for example is immense. Some statistics just for South America (not including Mexico) puts the connected Internet uses at over 104 million users or a 27.1% penetration rate vs their total population rate. Of these Internet users, only 12.3 million users have broadband connections which is a 3.3% penetration rate vs their total connected user base. Another encouraging number is the predicted growth of Mexico's Internet population is set to hit almost 40 million users by 2011(Via

What we can learn from this is there is a huge Internet ready population just south of North America and if you can develop compact and interesting web games that are translated into these languages your chances of your web games achieving success increases greatly.

Recently Sony has made huge strides in order to capitalize on the potential market for their hardware and games. Split into three phases they aim to capitalize on the appetite of gamers eager to play games localized and marketed towards them. It is a safe bet that if a large company like Sony plans to address this audience, you as an smaller game developer, should take notice as well.

So as a web game developer you understand the importance and potential of this market but where do you start? You might not have the capital to spend thousands of dollars on this aspect of your game development or the time to invest. The good news is if you plan accordingly you can do a localization of one language of your game for around 20-80 dollars.

The first part of doing this is to make sure before hand all the important text information of your game is accessible in one file that you can easily paste into an email or text file. Avoid duplicates and shorten up any instructional text to avoid any unnecessary text as most localization services charge per word. Only include the most important and integral parts of the game instructions or menus in this file. One thing to also avoid doing is putting any text directly in the 2d button art or menus as you won't be able to change that in a localization pass. Instead, make a blank button and overlay 2d programmable text over the buttons.

Then take the text you have extracted from your game and use an inexpensive but quality translation website such as You have the option to save more money by not using the most expensive option available and they do a great job. Once you have prepared your game in this format, it makes it fairly simple to reuse in any future game projects you develop so it is definitely worth the investment.

Hopefully this has given any game developers creating their own games some insight on the importance and relative ease of localization if properly planned for before hand. It is important not to be intimidated with this aspect of game development. Remember the more accessible your game is the better chance it has of being the next big thing on the Internet!

Derek Young co-owns which receives 1.7 million unique visitors a month. With over 5 years of professional game development experience he can always point you towards some good free online games.

PS3 Games - Redefining Contemporary High-Tech Games

The PS3 games are quite cheap now. Even there are websites that allow the users to download these games free of cost. Downloading these games is very simple. Get an Internet connection and computer, because you can download these games from the Internet. Then create an email ID and a password and be registered with the desired website. After that, you will become a member of the website that charge only one time and next time one need not to pay. For downloading these games, people need to select websites that provide fast and heavy downloading and this can known from the individuals who usually download games online.

The PS3 games are meant for everyone including children, adults and even for old ones .These games are very simple to learn. One starts from a lower level and goes to a higher level with the passage of time. It means that one can learn these games within a short span of time and that too with great ease. This is why these games are becoming popular among the family members as these games are big source of emotional and sentimental bonding. Also, these games are the good options for keeping your brains alert all the times. When people feel boredom or they are surrounded by tension, they can play such type of games and refresh themselves.

According to a survey conducted by the market researcher David Cole, The popularity of these games is so much that 52 percent of household own gaming consoles. The main reason behind the popularity of these games is that they are very cheap and in some cases they are free. There a large number of websites which allow the users to download or store millions off online games. These websites provide various categories of games. Thus, the people who love games, have thousands of options for choosing games.

Before download such PS 3 games, the individuals need to look into certain factors like choosing the website that offers hundred percent money back guarantee. In that way, one can avoid risk. Secondly, the website you choose should provide 24 hours customer service and the customer service should be good.

Thirdly, make sure the Website is 100 percent legal. So that the users can download PS3 games legally. So make sure the Website you are downloading from is legal. Fourthly, The website should be capable of downloading all type of media. Finally, make sure that the website you are using to download games ask for the payment only one time and allow unlimited downloading of games.

So, these are the few things which the game lovers, who want to download PS3 Games for free, should keep in the mind. Now, if you are looking to try these games, do not wait. Register yourself with any legal website and enjoy downloading millions of games.

Alden Jerry is an author of Xpert4u a Price comparison site that provides the relevant information on various Games, electronics and mobile phones products. Cheap playstation 3

Want to Save Some Money? Play Some Free Browser Games!

With many console games costing hundreds of dollars and game titles usually starting out at 40-80 dollars, a good alternative is to play any of the thousands of free online games. You can forgo the need to purchase a brand new HDTV and the latest audio equipment and simply use any modern computer with internet access to entertain yourself for hours.

Finding Good Quality Games

Often the best way to find the most entertaining games is word of mouth and often Google searches yield excellent search results. I find the best quality games are often found on games portals as they pre-screen their games for variety, quality and hold them to high standards.

Another option is bloggers that are often quite passionate about the newest and most entertaining games available so they are often a very useful resource when searching for new games to try out. There are thousands of these blogs available that are updated daily so I would recommend searching out one that appeals to you.

Game Portals

Online game portals have achieved broad success as a result of increased broadband connections among consumers but even dial-up modems are able to play many of these games due to the small file size of them. The increase of internet access speed also means that game developers are able to create higher quality games with better graphics and game play. Fans of all genre, type and flavor of game will be able to quickly find some entertaining ways to spend their time.

An example of an immensely popular browser-based game portal would be Miniclip which has upwards of 43 million unique visitors on their website per month. These larger portals often feature localization in multiple languages such as English, Korean, Italian, Chinese, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese and French.

Other very large and successful Game Portal sites would include Yahoo Games, Kongregate, Newgrounds and Armor Games. Millions of users every month visit these websites playing a variety of games ranging from chess to zombie games.

Variety is one of the most compelling features of these free portals so you will often find categories such as Action, Adventure, Girls, MMO, Racing and Multiplayer games. As well you can find entire game portals devoted solely to one type of category such as Racing Games or Dressup games for example.

Game Formats

The most popular format used for these games would be Adobe Flash Player. This format has become very well distributed across the desktop market resulting in market dominance. Adobe makes the claim that 98% of US web users have their software player installed. Also one of the best aspects of Flash is it is not specific to PC or Mac, but usable by both types of personal computer.

Other types of formats online browser games can include Html, Java, Shockwave, Unity and the newer Microsoft Silverlight format. Most new computers do not come pre-installed with the above game players so when you attempt to play a game without the appropriate software, it will often auto install the software for you.


Numerous studies from research groups such as Deloitte & Touche have released reports detailing the surging popularity of online games. A five fold growth prediction was touted recently in one of their white papers. Developing nations such as China, India and Latin America are poised to introduce millions more of gamers which will drive the demand for even more games and games portals.


Browser games only require an internet connection and a web browser so why not give them a try, its one of the fastest growing game markets. They are fun, unique, often innovative and the best part they are all available at no cost at all.

Derek Young is the co-founder/co-owner of and can help point you towards some fun 3D online games

Game copy Pro review - how make a copy of your Xbox and PlayStation games

If you're an avid player like me then you probably have wanted at some point that you could make a backup game discs. I have recently had two of my favorite discs games destroyed by my enthusiastic child son who got in my game collections and proceeded to throw them across the room. After paying for new games I started looking for a way to make copies of my records of gaming, so I put the original outside damage. I've tried several different game backup programs but most of them did a good job until I came with game Copy Pro.

Game Copy Pro is the easiest program I've used when it comes to backing up games. They have been using for some time now and have been very happy with the way it works in general.

Game Copy Pro works with virtually all the discs in gaming, including those for Xbox, PlayStation and Wii systems. Just need a CD or DVD burner and a copy of the game that you want to make a duplicate of.

You will know that more discs games these days are protected by some kind of copy protection but game Copy Pro has sophisticated algorithms of program can skip almost of them. Game Copy Pro developers do a good job of keeping on top of the latest advances in the protection of the disc and release frequent updates to address new developments in the protection of the game disc.

After joining game Copy Pro and enter the members area that gives you links to download the program, as well as a number of comprehensive video tutorials that show how to use the program, so you can copy your game discs quickly and easily. The program is designed to be friendly to the user, so you don't have to be a genius of technology for program execution and making copies of their favorite game discs.

To make a backup of your game disk may take a few minutes or more depending on the amount of data you are trying to copy. It would have been nice if this process may have been accelerated in any way, but taking into account that the majority of game discs are hundreds of megabytes in size I guess that it is not all the amazing things that print on can take awhile. You can also get other things on your computer while this process is running in the background.

Game Copy Pro comes with tutorials in full video and you can also email support if you want to run any problem with the program. Send support a question recently and the response time was a little slow, I think it took them almost two days but has answered my question for me and solved the problem.

I have been very satisfied with the game Pro backup software since I started using it. Now I do copies of all new games I buy and make sure I put the originals away from the hands of the curious child safety. Game Copy Pro has copied every game I have given so far.

Would have saved me lots of money if you have used this software for the past two years because the software would have prevented that I need to replace my games when they have been destroyed, or when the disc gets scratched.

Game Copy Pro was the best group of backup software game that I've tried. Your support could be a little more sensitive, but for the majority of the computer user using the software to copy a game is very simple.

Game Copy Pro is back with an all day money 60 warranty so if you are not satisfied with the program simply contact them and a full refund will be issued.

John Wood has written a complete game copy Pro review that can be seen in his review [] blog game Copy Pro.

The Best PC Game According to Gamers

Es difícil decir lo que constituye el mejor juego de PC en esta edad de innovadores y de vanguardia juegos. Esto es muy subjetivo y los jugadores tienden a tener opiniones diferentes respecto a este tema. Como hay varios géneros de juegos disponibles en el mercado hoy en día, es muy difícil decir qué juego es el mejor.

Los jugadores de la vieja escuela podrían citar Return to Castle Wolfenstein como el mejor juego de PC de todos los tiempos. Debe haber algo en esa afirmación porque el año el juego fue lanzado, cada hardcore gamer tienen nada más que elogios para él. Es el original shooter en primera persona que contribuyó a la popularidad de juegos FPS de hoy. Ofreció acción fast and furious que consiguió gran cantidad de jugadores adictos a ella durante años.

Civilización de Sid Meier ha pasado la prueba del tiempo con el más reciente de Civilization IV hacer estrategia de tiempo real, los jugadores quedarse hasta tarde en la noche tratando de superar las acciones de sus oponentes. El primer juego de la civilización tiene a largo plazo del juego que la mayoría de jugadores encontraron jugando durante años. Dicho esto, muchos de los jugadores tienen este juego en su mejor lista de juegos de PC.

Estos juegos clásicos podrían considerarse como el mejor, pero hay nuevos juegos que pueden dar los clásicos el plazo para su dinero. Incluso con la llegada de gamin de consola, juegos de PC está todavía vivo. Todavía hay mucho de PC en los hogares. El número total de PCs en el hogar que superan consolas de juegos. Hay juegos de PC que podrían atender a cualquier tipo de jugador. Existe el jugador casual que podría jugar a juegos de rompecabezas en su tiempo libre y luego están los jugones que pasarían la mayor parte de su tiempo inmerso en diferentes juegos de PC.

Porque hay diferentes tipos de juegos de PC, sería difícil precisar que entre ellos es el mejor juego de PC. Un jugador casual podría decir que un juego de cocinar es que lo mejor para él pero un hardcore gamer puede cita un par de ejemplos. Hay muchos sitios web que producirían las listas que su personal y lectores votación lo mejor del año. Pero todavía continuaría el debate.

Incluso los mejores juegos de PC son conocidos por ser difícil de superar. Ese es uno de los factores que les endear a los jugadores. Para vencer el juego, jugadores recurrir a buscar el juego de PC trucos. Pero incluso con ese conocimiento, jugadores todavía trataría mejor para terminar el juego sin hacer trampa. Juego de PC trucos hacer el juego más fácil pero no significa que el juego no podría ser considerado mejor. Sólo da al jugador una oportunidad para saborear el final corte sombrero de escena, de que otros son raving acerca.

Puede haber un número de juegos que pueden ser considerados como los mejores. Dependerá que hablas con y qué tipo de juego que le gusta. El mejor juego para uno de PC podría ser algo tan simple como un juego de palabras mientras que otros pueden gustarte algo más complicado. Es el jugador decidir cuál juego es mejor para él.

Para obtener más información sobre juegos de PC y juego de arcade en línea gratis, visite nuestro sitio Web en

The growing appeal of games consoles and accessories

The world of video games is changing. Gone are the days of separate decks and loading screens that took ten minutes to load a 2-D gaming platform (when loaded correctly) controlled by laborious clave-trazos or a joystick with triggers rather than a jetfighter.

While older platforms remain a cult and devotion of those grew up with them, the arrival of the game console and controller announced a new it was in which unfolds with almost every release.

As the technology and capabilities of the console games have grown, so also has its popularity. No longer see people who play computer games as social outcasts. The game industry is enormous, when it was the last time that you turn on the television and not see and announcement of a console or a game? The only Xbox 360 has gone 22 million unites the world.

Microsoft, probably the biggest name in computing, afternoon were joining the market, but they soon became leaders of the pack and a level of competence with Sony with the launch of its latest Xbox 360 and your Xbox. So what makes this seventh generation console and the world of the games so popular?

Apart from the fact that consoles can be used for more games (some have argued that it gives better dvd playback to your dedicated dvd player) perhaps the biggest key to increasing retention of console games is the social aspect.

A computer game was an arcade was once a solitary pastime, then during multiplayer games. Suddenly took the appeal of beating your peers in racing or them leveling in a fighting game. More and more games had multiplayer options or were developed with two players in mind - anyone remember Double Dragon?

Although what happens to beat one of your friends is not enough? The desire to earn more than one person lead to games that could offer split-screen for four games, then the connections between consoles lead to multiples growing even new consoles have gone further than necessary drivers for such connections with the fifth generation consoles.

Online Games: you could say that it is one of the great motivators in the boom in sales of the console. There is for your friends that even in the same House to play the same game. Players are able to play the players around the world and in the same way that the games were once designed with two players in mind, modern games are designed with gaming in mind online gambling.

In line with the development of a social game, has grown the world of console and Xbox accessories . Chat drivers allow you to talk to the players his compete through a wireless headset.

As consoles gain in power, soundtracks for games are no longer the bicolour tones were once. Games sound strong to appreciate a tank in a WWII game or an excited crowd at a football match. The money spent on the development of a (not just music) soundtrack for a game now takes a large part of the budget for the development of games so it is just to appreciate it.

The problem is that the neighbors might not appreciate it. The headphones have been developed accordingly. Headphones Wireless and amplification mean that the player loses none of the soundtrack and does not have these unsightly wires on the way - in line with the wireless controller. These headphones also allow the social game continue with built-in microphones so that games can keep mockery of his opponents.

This does not mean returning to the game being a solitary pastime - players alone in a room with a pair of headphones and a console. Several players can join online platforms from the same console and room, each with their own headphones or headsets.

Online gaming has created social groups around certain games and interact with them has become part of the attraction of the games: speak with players from around the world from an armchair with wireless headphones and the developments of technology on game consoles.

Consoles are available in different specifications to suit the needs of the user, the enormous scope of accessories means greater personalization in gaming configurations. Social game that is also personal.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Are Video Game Tester Jobs a Scam?

Valuable And True Information About Video Game Tester Jobs

All gamers know that when a new video game is presented they can expect to find some errors in the game. This is pretty common and there is a logical explanation for that. Game developers are not automatically gamers. They create the video game and test it the best way they can, but they don't fill all the gaps. Their thoughts are fixed on creating a successful product that has to satisfy the customer.

This doesn't make them ideal video game testers.

Gamers have their own way of thinking and so they see the game in their own, non-economical way, except for the purchasing price of course. This creates the need for game developers to find and fix errors where their own personnel can't. Gamers find the most glitches in a game, that is just a hard proven fact.

Why Are Video Game Testers So Important?

When you visit a regular gaming forum you can find a lot of posts of gamers reporting flaws. Other gamers post in the same topic until the place becomes a hot spot with the hope the game developers will do something about it. Sometimes it gets really ugly in those forums and because of that the game developers lose reputation and with that some profits too.

Paint yourself a picture here. When gamers find an error in a game, they get irritated. Not only do they get irritated, they talk about it to other gamers, friends and acquaintances. If these people were considering to buy the game, guess what?

Most of them don't want to buy the game until the problem is fixed.

Game developers know about these things and of course they would like to increase the satisfaction level of their customers and the profits of their company so they actually hire gamers to test games before the games get published. We call these games 'beta games'.

How Do They Work?

When video game testers test games and find errors, they report it to the game developers, the developers process and fix the problem, create a patch, and upgrade the game.

Just like that.

These new job opportunities are received with open arms. Of course the idea to get paid to test games is very welcome to a lot of people, but the results of the concept are even better.

With the help of video game testers a video game starts its path with much more success. The forums are calmer and the overall customer is more satisfied with off course the everlasting exception of a few people, but that is nothing new.

Where Do I Apply?

So, where can you go to become such a video game tester? There are some sources to check out, but beware, there are many people out there that will try to fool you and rob you of some money and your trust in other sources that might just be what you were looking for. I have created a website and did some research for you, so that you only deal with the sources that have been checked. At the same time you can learn about the advantages and the disadvantages of being a game tester.

Check out the enclosed link of this article to find out more about video game tester jobs. You can also sign up on the site if you wish to be contacted as soon as new information about the concept is available, or even if you want to learn how to make money online.

Thank you and have fun!

Visit Video Game Tester Jobs

To your success,

Ramesh Klinkert

Hi all. My name is Ramesh Klinkert and I am a certified Life Success Consultant and business partner of Bob Proctor from the hit film 'The Secret'. I dedicated my life to help others change their life in many ways!

The Goal Achieving Community

Rent PS3 Games

As the budgets for developing video games increased by leaps and bounds, it became difficult for the gaming enthusiasts to purchase these costly games as they would make a dent in their wallet. Some online game-rental services emerged at this point of time to help combat the rising cost of games. Though you can get a wide variety of games on rent from these online game-rental services, the games that have caught the fancy of many are the PS3 games. Here is a comparison of some game-rental services from where you can rent PS3 games online:

Membership costs: For getting a single game on rent at a time: $15.95 a month.

For getting 2 games on rent at a time: $22.95 (in addition to tax that's applicable).

PS3 games available: 293 

Gamefly is considered the reigning champ of online game-rental services. They were pioneer with their application of the Netflix method to games. Once you get PS3 games on rent from them, you can keep it as long as you desire. You won't be asked to pay for shipping charges or any late fees. Moreover, if you love the game that you have rented, you can even buy it. With shipping centers in Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, Austin and Tampa, a game is usually delivered within two to three days. However, games delivered between returns may take up to a week. Having a rental library of more than 6,000 titles, Gamefly offers its members hot new releases as well as difficult to get classics. It's no wonder why Gamefly is the preferred choice when you want to rent PS3 games.

Membership costs: A special offer of a single game on rent: $14.95 for the first month and $17.95 for successive months.

To get 2 games on rent: $24.95 per month.

To get 3 games on rent: $49.95 per month (along with a refundable deposit of $75).

To get 4 games on rent: $59.95 per month (along with a refundable deposit of $100).

PS3 games available: 188

A noticeable thing with Gamerang is the positive feedback given by a majority of its users. With distribution centers situated at Oklahoma, California, New Jersey and Minnesota, Gamerang delivers the games to its members in quick ship times. However, its games' library is yet to have some niche titles that one can get from the epic catalogue of Gamefly. Nevertheless, it is a good place to rent PS3 games.

Membership costs: For getting a single game on rent, you will have a free trial period of 10 days after which you will need to pay $12.95 per month.

For getting 2 games on rent at a time, you will have a free trial period of 10 days after which you will need to pay $20.95 per month.

The rental plan for getting 3 games at a time will cost $28.95 per month.

It has several varieties of PS3 games available though the exact count is not declared on the site.

With shipping centers positioned across the whole of the United States, Gottaplay delivers the games within 2 to 3 days.

Lastly, whether online game rentals will suit you or not largely depends on how far you are situated from the distribution centers. Nevertheless, getting games on rent and playing them without shelling out a huge sum is surely a benefit.That is why the trend of online game-rental services from where you can rent ps3 games has become a craze now a days.

Find more useful articles on how to rent PS3 games at our site.

Helping Your Kids Learn Through Leapster L-Max Learning Game System Pink Edition

Your kid's education should be one of your primary priorities as a parent. You should get them the best education that you can afford, and you should also let them have time for games and toys. There is a lot of gaming consoles available in the market today but you would also want your kids to learn from the games they play.

However, not all kinds of games available for the different gaming consoles are educational. Some games are even integrated with violence, blood and gore that can negatively affect your child's psychology. It is recommended that you should purchase games that your children can learn from.

In the past, kids learn through shaped blocks and other toys that they can physically hold. Some of these toys can prove to be dangerous. So, you want to buy them something that is safe and something that they can learn from.

It is a fact that playing is one of the best ways a child can learn. It may be logical thinking, language or it can even be math. With the right games, you can really develop your child's intelligence. Handheld games for children have existed for a long time. However, with today's advancement in graphics and sound technology, a lot of handheld games for children now have better graphics and better sound quality.

An example of an educational gaming system for children is called the Leapster L-Max Learning Game System Pink Edition. Developed by Leapfrog, you can be sure that they offer quality education and quality toys for your children.

It is a fact that learning can be boring, this is why the Leapster L-Max Learning Game system Pink Edition have took it to the next level and made the learning experience fun for children. This particular gaming system is handheld. However, you also have the option on plugging it to your TV for a much better learning experience.

Leapster L-MAX Learning Game System Pink Edition is recommended for children aged 4 to 10 years old. It also has different gaming titles that you can integrate in the gaming system as your child develops.

It has animations included where your child can easily learn how to identify and write letters and it also has games where your child can play with their favorite cartoon character. This gaming system also teaches math, and language skills for different age levels.

Here are the things that you can expect this game system to teach your kids:

o Letters

o Rhyming

o Spelling

o Phonics

o Numbers

o Addition

o Subtraction

o Counting

o Art

Depending on your child's capability, you can effortlessly make learning easier for them with this gaming console. Besides, what more can be fun for a child that having the ability to interact with their favorite cartoon character?

No other gaming console for children offers this kind of learning experience than the Leapster L-Max Learning Game System Pink Edition.

So, if you want your child to learn and at the same time have fun, you should purchase this game system for them. With the features that this game system offers, you can be sure that your child will use it for hours to have fun and at the same time learn about things that they will usually get bored off in school.

Language, math and art skills can be developed by using this game system. This game system also has a vast game library where your children can choose which game they want to play. They can choose to play with Dora the Explorer, Scooby Doo, SpongeBob SquarePants and they can even choose to play other different games.

There are different games for different age levels. All you need to do is choose which of the games can accommodate your child.

So, if you want your child to have fun and at the same time learn something while they play, the Leapster L-Max Learning Game System Pink Edition is your choice. With this game system, you can expect your child to learn faster and play at the same time. Think of investing in this game system as investing in your child's education.


More Information on Educational video games:


Gary Giardina

It all depends on luck in a game of Bingo?

Bingo is an online game gambling casino. Rules and regulations are very easy for a game of bingo. This makes a bingo player earn a fortune. There is no easy means to increase their profits in the game of bingo and depends purely on luck. However, some points should be considered to win a game. In the game of Bingo, the Player cannot be no control over the outcome of the game, so women often prefer this. Men play blackjack and vibrators. Men like to play with game where you feel a control option. The cards are drawn at random and it will not be repeated. Bingo online are preferred as dan broad privacy to a player and that player feel comfortable.

Game strategy

The procedure of the bingo game is very simple and one has to be prepared before the start of the game. The start of the game is with the purchase of a card marked with the letters B, I, N, G form, or on the side of the upper column. There will be another set of numbers in another column. The player must mark the serial number once the host Announces. You must achieve a desired pattern on the card of bingo brands.

Bingo strategy is an important aspect in the understanding of how to play bingo. Bingo cartons come in two different ways, a hard permanent bingo cards and a disposable paper leaves. The numbers are pre-printed and contain 24 of them. The Centre of the bingo card has a free place. The blotter on bingo, a special marker used to mark the cards of bingo paper and at the end of each bingo game are thrown away. In case of permanent bingo cards, they have little shutters or windows, that can move gently over a number when it is called. They are then reused by removing Windows or blinds. In permanent bingo cards, the number remains where same as number however remains on the disposable bingo card. Players are offered opportunities to play more than one bingo game at a time, but at an additional cost.

Games patterns

Bingo can be played in many patterns. It could be vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Other forms of pattern are four corners plate or even how T, etc. When you have selected all your bingo card numbers, bingo player wins. This game is called a game of bingo on the garment.

Seventy-five bingo balls are Stud boxes and it spun. At the beginning, the bingo caller announces the pattern selected for each game. Once the ball is selected, is shown electronically to see the numbers and they are removed to prevent a greater selection. Now there are computers available for the selection of the ball.

Win bingo

The chances of winning the game are based on luck and nothing can influence or predict the outcome of the game. Bingo are games for fun, as any decision that must be made. However, there are some essential tips that give a better chance of winning the game. Play one card at a time is suggested and tapping should be avoided while Kleenex. You must select a card with the lowest number. This is more likely to get the numbers closer together. Games in general, suggests that you leave early and get the first set issued. It is essential to be polite and to share the amount of gain between partners. Ideally, the odds of winning are when you play with fewer members. Some even recording their games if they are testing some special games. It's simple to dab.

Avoid interruptions while playing. Children should be kept away, you can take to the corner of the children, or even let them housewife. Focus on the numbers that was read. It is advisable to avoid night games, since there is a chance to miss the numbers already dialled. Limit the amount of spending in the game. You should avoid purchasing cards to impress others.

Cyber Bingo game strategy

Cyber bingo is a game that can cost you a fortune. Like other bingo, cyber bingo depends on too much luck. However, it is necessary to follow certain rules to improve your chances of winning online.

It is more sensible to avoid playing on busy online bingo sites. Most likely, you have to compete against several bingo players. Internet sites that have chat rooms should be chosen. Play bingo games on the Web site, which offers the best deposit bonuses. A cyber trust casino should be considered only these casinos give the payment of the total amount after you win a game.

Chat with other colleagues in cards that play. You can increase the number of card to reverse the victory to his side. A regular player may be able to identify the number of players in the game in particular. Play in places where the number of players is balanced more opportunity to win the game. Playing hours odd lets you have a chance of winning. Avoid too many cards in big jackpot bingo games. Some sites even offer free play money or see the friends site. A casino that offers bonuses of 100 per cent of the tank should be preferred.

Machines for Bingo

The new generation bingo game now works with machines that are eventually as a machine slot. The machines are legal and are named as "Triple threat Bingo". Operation of the machine of this type is easy and simple. They have lights, colours and drums spinning with images of fruits or even diamonds. A player drops a coin and pressing the button. If one raises the same line, the player wins. These machines also have the advantage of tracking a game of bingo and even print winning tickets to reimburse the amount of gain.

Hi I'm James Ilya, a free lancer writer. I love to write online UK bingo , bingo Palace and some game of bingo online bingo palace []. I love to play free bingo online game as well.

Play all games Nintendo Wii that you want to

Nintendo is one of the heavyweights in the international gaming industry and has provided large consoles in the world. The different consoles, the company has provided to all lovers of the game have been offer tough competition to other popular games consoles. The Nintendo Wii console is that it is a fierce competitor to other popular as the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 game consoles. Since its launch the console is accepted by countless lovers of games of different parts of the world.

The Nintendo Wii was initially launched in 2006 and since then has won much praise at international level, both critics and players. There are different varieties of games that you can play on the portable console. From Nintendo for Nintendo Wii football games sports games, a wide range of games are popular with people.

There are countless games for the Nintendo Wii that have been produced and developed by a large number of companies. These games are that they have a superior quality and amazing features that make it a hot favorite with those players who have a Nintendo console. The developers of games around the world are trying to devise better games for the Nintendo Wii.

There are many games available for the Nintendo Wii and it has been observed that the majority of these games tend to be quite attractive and entertaining. Wii Sports, Excite Truck, Tiger Woods 08, Madden 08, Elebits, Medal of Honor Heroes 2, Mario Strikers charged, Guitar Hero III, Metroid Prime 3, Zack and Wiki, and Super Mario Galaxy are considered to be the best Nintendo Wii games.

When you decide to buy Nintendo Wii games, you will be amazed to see the amount of options that can make your choice. Sometimes it seems to be a very difficult task to decide games that you want to buy. When you face these difficulties, you must try and get help from the various websites of games that exist on the internet. These websites are quite often comments on the different games that are on the market. To read a review of Nintendo Games, you can get a better idea about the game and then decide whether to buy the game, or find any other better game.

The internet is to be a blessing for all those who wish to obtain more information about the games that can be played on the Nintendo Entertainment System. Web sites online are often seen to carry information about the highest rated Nintendo Wii games that are available in the international market. Also provide information on the new Nintendo Games that have affected the market in recent times.

Thus warns that the internet is in fact an information power House when it comes to popular video games. So, the next time you decide to grab some great games that you want to play the Nintendo Wii, just search on the internet and you you will find all the information you need.

Want to know where is the best place to get a cheap Wii games? For the best service and the best deals, cheap Wii games [] is the best place to go! You will find great services at cheaper prices!

How to get PSP games at cheap prices?

Sony is well known in the gaming industry by providing players with a wide range of games consoles, which have allowed them to play a range of games. The series of PlayStation games consoles has been able to carry out a kind of revolution in the world of international games. Much like the other Sony, PlayStation Portable game consoles has also been a hit with fans of the games. The best part of this console is that it is a handheld console. Other surprising characteristics have become very popular with a large number of lovers of the PlayStation.

There are many games that can play on the PlayStation Portable or PSP as it is widely known. The most games PSP is a bit expensive, and as a result not many people have been able to seize most of the games. But with the availability of cheap PSP games, things have changed for the better. Now people can get to play much more were done previously in the future. If you ask, where can I buy cheap PSP games, just read on.

There are a large number of Web sites on the internet that have been found to be the best places to search for PSP games. These Web sites are, therefore, the place where you should start your search, if you want to buy cheap PSP games. These Web sites are constantly carry ads that people promise to provide people with cheap PSP games. If you want to obtain more information about the web sites you will find the best PSP games cheap prices, then you must do the search using a search engine. There are countless people who have been benefiting over the internet to find cheap games that can be played on the PSP.

Many times has observed that several shops that offer cheap PSP games for sale, offer discounts to their customers, allowing them to get cheap video games for the PSP. There are many games that you can find in these stores, and not all of them are sold with discounts. Usually the games slightly older offered at cheap prices. So you will have to wait some time before you will be able to find your favorite PSP game by priced much lower than its original price.

You may have to wait some time before you will be able to find really cheap PSP games. However the amount of money that you can definitely store will be waiting seems worth the penalty. You can save more money buying the cheap used PSP games that can be often found on some Web sites. If you want to be able to get good games and at the same time save some money, then you definitely should search buy PSP games for cheap.

Why they should pay more for their video game? Visit cheap video games PSP [] and find great cheap PSP video games and consoles today. Also check out of the games with the release date of upcoming PSP, reviews of games, asking $ answers, latest news and articles.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Ham and cheese Wrap

Ham and Cheese WrapHam and cheese Wrap

OK, so I'll step lie to you and tell you that it is a little difficult to eat.  But it was worth all the efforts.  It was so delicious.  Absolutely delicious.  And because the dressing had almost all the ingredients inside as the scarf, it was all perfectly.  Mmmmmm.  I suggest strongly that for lunch today!  Don't forget, the pickles must be sugar free.  Try to find them.  They are doing it works!


3 thin slices of 98% fat free ham
1/4 cup free fat, shredded cheddar
a handful of sprouted beans
3 gherkin pickles, sliced finely longwise
1 onion, cut into 2-inch pieces
1 piece of 2-inch cucumber, thinly sliced

Ham and Cheese WrapHam and cheese Wrap

1/4 cup of fat free sour cream
2 pickles, chopped
a small handful of sprouted beans, chopped
1 T green onion, chopped

1 Place the pieces of ham on a plate.  Top with two other pieces of ham, in the other direction, it is on the other end.  Top of the page with the rest of the ingredients wrap and roll.  Reduce by half.

Mix all the ingredients of the sauce and serve with your wrap.

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Smoked salmon egg salad lettuce Wrap

Smoked Salmon Egg Salad Lettuce WrapsSmoked salmon rolls egg salad lettuce

I made these this morning and they were delicious. Only sorry I didn't have some Dukan bread to eat more for lunch!


2 eggs, cooked and chopped
2 whites of eggs, cooked and chopped
2 oz smoked salmon, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 t Jalapeno, chopped
2 T fat free sour cream
2 T fat free cheese, room temperature
A few drops of mustard and hot sauce
2 cups of lettuce

Mix the sour cream and whole cream cheese in a small bowl. Add the rest of ingredients and mix gently. Sour cream with season and serve in a bowl or a cup of lettuce on a day of PV simply a day of PP!

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Spice rubbed chicken thighs Rotisseried with Asian Slaw

Spice Rubbed Chicken Thighs with Asian SlawSpice rubbed chicken with Slaw Asian legs

This piece of cooking equipment can soon be your favourite.  I'll make mine Palm Springs this weekend and let it out on my patio.  I look forward to chicken this weekend.  There are so many pickles are easy Dukan which will allow my roasting pan!  Below on is that I have.  I am sure to have an attached to your real Grill is even better, but it is so easy to use and clean, I highly recommend this!


Spice Rubbed Chicken ThighsSpice rubbed chicken thighs

8 chicken thighs
3 T paprika
2 T. smoked paprika
1 t cayenne pepper
1 T chili powder
3 t zero calorie brown sugar
1 t garlic powder
1 t kosher salt
black pepper 1/2

In a bowl mix all the ingredients of rub and press the chicken.  Place the chicken thighs in the largest basket and lock tight.  Bake for 45 minutes.  If you do not have a rotisserie, you can always cook chicken in the oven at 375 for the same amount of time!

Spice Rubbed Chicken ThighsSpice rubbed chicken thighs


1/2 bag of cole slaw mix or 2 cups grated cabbage
1/2 pepper red, thinly sliced
2 green onions, cut into 2-inch pieces
1 cup sprouted beans


2 T rice wine vinegar
1 t soy sauce
juice of a lime
1/2 t red pepper paste
1 T zero calorie brown sugar

Mix all ingredients for salad dressing.  Mix all the ingredients of the salad with the hands and mix the sauce on it.

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Spice rubbed chicken thighs Rotisseried with Asian Slaw

Spice Rubbed Chicken Thighs with Asian SlawSpice rubbed chicken with Slaw Asian legs

This piece of cooking equipment can soon be your favourite.  I'll make mine Palm Springs this weekend and let it out on my patio.  I look forward to chicken this weekend.  There are so many pickles are easy Dukan which will allow my roasting pan!  Below on is that I have.  I am sure to have an attached to your real Grill is even better, but it is so easy to use and clean, I highly recommend this!


Spice Rubbed Chicken ThighsSpice rubbed chicken thighs

8 chicken thighs
3 T paprika
2 T. smoked paprika
1 t cayenne pepper
1 T chili powder
3 t zero calorie brown sugar
1 t garlic powder
1 t kosher salt
black pepper 1/2

In a bowl mix all the ingredients of rub and press the chicken.  Place the chicken thighs in the largest basket and lock tight.  Bake for 45 minutes.  If you do not have a rotisserie, you can always cook chicken in the oven at 375 for the same amount of time!

Spice Rubbed Chicken ThighsSpice rubbed chicken thighs


1/2 bag of cole slaw mix or 2 cups grated cabbage
1/2 pepper red, thinly sliced
2 green onions, cut into 2-inch pieces
1 cup sprouted beans


2 T rice wine vinegar
1 t soy sauce
juice of a lime
1/2 t red pepper paste
1 T zero calorie brown sugar

Mix all ingredients for salad dressing.  Mix all the ingredients of the salad with the hands and mix the sauce on it.

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Sweet and spicy Bacon chicken with black rice

Angela Tobler Wilson it is shared on FB.  And it was wonderful Angela!  Thank you for sharing!  Rice is Consolidation and stabilization, but I would like to introduce flat healthy for those who have advanced in the diet.  It is important if you want to add carbohydrates of the back, to make are the best, you have!  I used a wonderful Black rice from China.  Mmmmmm.  Perfect flat PP without rice.

Sweet and Spicy Bacon Chicken with Black RiceSweet and spicy Bacon chicken with black rice

Sweet and spicy chicken Bacon

Sweet and Spicy Bacon ChickenSweet and spicy chicken Bacon

4 chicken breasts cut into thirds (12 pieces) (I used 4 chicken bone-in Skinless thighs)
Slices of Bacon (I used 8 bacon of Turkey)
salt and pepper to taste
garlic powder
Chile powder (I used powder pepper ancho and regular)
brown sugar (I used zero calorie brown sugar)
smoked Spanish paprika

Season all chicken with spices, then wrap a slice of bacon (I used 2) around, complete of each room roll in brown sugar and place in an oven proof of dish… .make sure you have olive oil in the dish too, like 2 or 3 tablespoons is fine {I jumped this since I've grilled the.}  {I think honestly that you could cover your dish with rather nonstick cooking spray to save a few calories}.

Sweet and Spicy Bacon ChickenSweet and spicy chicken Bacon

Bake in the oven at 400 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes or until chicken is cooked through and bacon is nice and Brown and crispy.   (I used my roasting pan and cook for 45 minutes.)  (Fabulous!)

Sweet and Spicy Bacon ChickenSweet and spicy chicken Bacon

** Also great on the grill!  No drizzle what juice either, but still delicious!


Black RiceBlack rice

Black 1 cup rice
1 3/4 cup water
1/2 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 jalapeno, chopped
pinch of salt

Brown onion, garlic and jalapeno for 5 minutes.  Season the water with salt and add to the pot with rice.  Cook, covered, for 30 minutes.  Let stand 5 minutes and fluff with a fork before the use!

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Grilled salmon and vegetables

Grilled Salmon and VeggiesGrilled salmon and vegetables


Grilled SalmonGrilled salmon

4 salmon steaks (about 4-5 oz each)
2 Zucchini, sliced lengthwise, about 1/2 inch thick
a bunch of asparagus
2 medium eggplants, sliced 1/2 inch rounds
cooking spray
balsamic vinegar
Zero calorie brown sugar
salt and pepper

Grilled Salmon and VeggiesGrilled salmon and vegetables

Spray all the vegetables with the cooking spray.  Marinate eggplant in spraying and balsamic vinegar, add a little more balsamic vinegar and spray of cooking just before you put them on the grill.  Season asparagus and Zucchini with salt and pepper.  Salmon of the season with paprika, salt, freshly ground pepper and brown sugar.  Leave the value 20 minutes.  Eggplant first Grill, they will take the longest.  And then add the asparagus, Zucchini and salmon.  They should all take the same time to grill, about 10 minutes, according to the high how your grill is.  If the salmon skin on it, grill it on one side only, without flipping.

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Ham and cheese Wrap

Ham and Cheese WrapHam and cheese Wrap

OK, so I'll step lie to you and tell you that it is a little difficult to eat.  But it was worth all the efforts.  It was so delicious.  Absolutely delicious.  And because the dressing had almost all the ingredients inside as the scarf, it was all perfectly.  Mmmmmm.  I suggest strongly that for lunch today!  Don't forget, the pickles must be sugar free.  Try to find them.  They are doing it works!


3 thin slices of 98% fat free ham
1/4 cup free fat, shredded cheddar
a handful of sprouted beans
3 gherkin pickles, sliced finely longwise
1 onion, cut into 2-inch pieces
1 piece of 2-inch cucumber, thinly sliced

Ham and Cheese WrapHam and cheese Wrap

1/4 cup of fat free sour cream
2 pickles, chopped
a small handful of sprouted beans, chopped
1 T green onion, chopped

1 Place the pieces of ham on a plate.  Top with two other pieces of ham, in the other direction, it is on the other end.  Top of the page with the rest of the ingredients wrap and roll.  Reduce by half.

Mix all the ingredients of the sauce and serve with your wrap.

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Grilled salmon and vegetables

Grilled Salmon and VeggiesGrilled salmon and vegetables


Grilled SalmonGrilled salmon

4 salmon steaks (about 4-5 oz each)
2 Zucchini, sliced lengthwise, about 1/2 inch thick
a bunch of asparagus
2 medium eggplants, sliced 1/2 inch rounds
cooking spray
balsamic vinegar
Zero calorie brown sugar
salt and pepper

Grilled Salmon and VeggiesGrilled salmon and vegetables

Spray all the vegetables with the cooking spray.  Marinate eggplant in spraying and balsamic vinegar, add a little more balsamic vinegar and spray of cooking just before you put them on the grill.  Season asparagus and Zucchini with salt and pepper.  Salmon of the season with paprika, salt, freshly ground pepper and brown sugar.  Leave the value 20 minutes.  Eggplant first Grill, they will take the longest.  And then add the asparagus, Zucchini and salmon.  They should all take the same time to grill, about 10 minutes, according to the high how your grill is.  If the salmon skin on it, grill it on one side only, without flipping.

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The War on Used Games

As we prepare for the coming wave of next generation systems, we should be anticipating improvements on all the good things we associate with the current crop of systems. Moving forward we expect: better graphics, faster processors, more engaging games, you get the idea. But not everything that we're anticipating will be a progressive movement for gaming. At least, as far as Sony and Microsoft are concerned, you can wave goodbye to playing used games on their systems. Although these are just rumors at this point, it wouldn't be surprising if they came to fruition. It's very plausible, especially when taking into consideration that several game publishers have already fired shots at the used game market.

Most notable is Electronic Arts(EA), who became the first publisher to institute the practice of charging gamers, who bought used games, a fee to access codes that come with the game. To elaborate, Downloadable Content(DLC) codes are included with new copies of a particular game and only with those codes, can that content be accessed. EA expanded its project to include playing used games online. Gamers would now have to pay $10, in addition to the cost of the used game that they purchased, in order to have access to the online components of their game. Ubisoft has since followed suit, requiring an online pass for its games as well. You can identify the games which require an online pass as they bare the,"Uplay Passport", logo on the box.

Ubisoft decided they'd take things a step further and implement Digital Rights Management, a practice more often associated with DVD or CD anti-piracy efforts. Assassins Creed 2 was the first game to be effected by this practice. In order to play the PC version of Assassins Creed 2, gamers are required to create an account with Ubisoft and remain logged into that account in order to play the game. This means that if you lose your internet connection, the game will automatically pause and try to reestablish the connection. However, if you're unfortunate enough to be unable to reconnect to the internet you'll have to continue from your last saved game; losing any progress you may have made since then. This will be the case for all of Ubisoft's PC titles, regardless of one playing single-player or multi-player. While Digital Rights Management has been used to combat DVD and CD piracy for quite some time now, this will mark the first time it's been used for a video game. In light of Ubisoft's implementation of DRM, Matthew Humphries of, cautions that it's feasible that eventually even console games will require online registration in order to play them.

So what's the reason for all of this? According to According to Denis Dyack, the head of Silicon Knights, the sale of used games is cannibalizing the profit of the primary game market. He also claims that the used game market is somehow causing the price of new games to rise. His proposed solution is to move away from physical disks and embrace digital distribution. Essentially he'd like to see services like Steam or EA's Origin replace traditional hard copies. There are even rumors that the X-Box 720 will embrace the exclusive use of digital downloads and not use disks at all. Whether Microsoft will actually follow through with that plan remains to be seen.

One could argue that Sony has already laid the ground work for preventing used games from functioning on their future system. At the very least, they've already made quite an effort to make used games significantly less desirable. Kath Brice, of, reported that the latest SOCOM game for PSP, SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3, will require customers who purchase a used copy to pay an addition $20 dollars to receive a code for online play.

I'd like to see some quantifiable evidence to support the claim that used games are in fact hurting the sales of new games at all. Without some actual facts, it sounds to me like a whole lot to do about nothing. Case in point, within 24 hours Modern Warfare 3 sold 6.5 million copies, grossing $400 million dollars in sales. Correct me if I'm wrong but you haven't heard Infinity Ward complaining about the used game market and it affecting their bottom line. That's likely because they're too busy counting their money earned by creating games that people actually want to play. Imagine that. Maybe the problem isn't that used games have a negative impact on the sale of new games but, the problem is instead that game developers need to make better games that gamers are willing to pay full price for.

In my opinion, not every game is worth $60 simply because it's the suggested retail price. Looking at things objectively, not every game is created equally, therefore not every game is worthy of costing $60. Whether it's because that particular game failed to meet expectations and live up to the hype or because it lacks any sort of replay value. It's ludicrous to argue that gamers should pay top dollar for every game especially when they all too often turn out to be horrible disappointments, like Ninja Gadian 3, or they're riddled with glitches like Skyrim.

I suspect that the War on Used Games is nothing more than a money grab by developers, upset that they're unable to cash in on a very lucrative market. To put it in dollars and cents, in 2009 GameStop reported nearly $2.5 million dollars in revenue from the sale of used consoles and used games. And not one red cent of that profit reaches the pockets of game publishers. Greed as the motivating factor for the declaration of War on Used Games is transparent. Especially when you consider that when GameStop began separating their revenue from new games and used games in their financial statements, EA thereafter instituted their $10 dollar fee for used games.

In the absence of empirical evidence, I'll have to settle for anecdotal. I'll use myself as an example. I'm planning to purchase a used copy of Ninja Gaidan 2. I've never been a huge fan of the series. I didn't play the first one because I didn't have an Xbox and at the time it was an Xbox exclusive. And I never played the original version. Needless to say, I was never clamoring to play Ninja Gaidan 2. However the innovation in the second incarnation of the game, which allows you to disembowel your enemies, is enough of a novelty that I'd like to play through it at some point. I can buy it now, used, for about 10 dollars. If it was only being sold at full price I would more than likely pass on playing it altogether or maybe rent it. My point is that game developers are not losing money because of used games; you can't miss money you weren't going to receive anyway. They're simply not getting money they weren't going to get to begin with.

Unless you have a significant amount of disposable income and a considerable amount of free time, you're probably like me and you prioritize which games you plan to purchase and how much you're willing to pay for them. You decide which games are must haves and which games you'd like to play but are willing to wait for a price drop before getting them. Then there are the games which you're interested in, but they tend to fall through the cracks because they're not all that high on your radar and you'll maybe pick them up several months later, or even years after their release, if you ever pick them up at all.

I find it ironic that the looming death of the used game market could likely spell the demise of GameStop who, ironically, push their customers to pre-order new games and purchase them at full price. One would think that game publishers would be appreciative about this service and not detest GameStop and treat used games with such scorn. Pre-orders not only help promote their games but they function as a forecast of potential sales as well. Even Dave Thier, a contributor for Forbes Online, who describes GameStop as, "a parasitic bloodsucker that doesn't do much besides mark up discs and sit in the mall", recognizes the folly of passing the burden of the used game market onto the consumer.

I've only once pre-ordered a game myself. At the behest of J. Agamemnon, I pre-ordered Battlefield 3, which is ironically a property of EA. I paid full price for this game and was happy to do so. In large part because I was granted access to several weapons and maps that I would have had to wait to download had I not pre-ordered it. I propose that instead of punishing gamers for wanting to save their hard earned cash, the gaming industry needs to learn to incentivize gamers into wanting to pony up to that $60 dollar price tag.

I titled this article The War on Used Games in an effort to be tongue-in-cheek and poke fun at how whenever the government declares war on drugs or terror or whatever it may be, they only succeed in exacerbating the problem. It should come as no surprise seeing as how the government tends to take the most asinine approach possible trying to "solve" problems. The end result is always the same; precious time and resources are wasted, and the issue is that much worse than it was before they intervened. If the gaming industry does indeed go down this path; they'll only hurt themselves in the long run, fail to share in the revenue they so greedily covet and worst of all, hurt their customers, who keep the gaming industry abreast with currency.

It's very ironic and actually very fitting that it's EA who are spearheading the effort to attack the used game market when they themselves are one of the largest beneficiaries of used games. Chipsworld MD Don McCabe, told that EA has what he referred to as a "franchise software house" in that they "upgrade their titles; FIFA, Madden; all of these are effectively the same title upgraded each year. And people trade in last year's for this year's." He went onto say that those titles are the ones which are most often traded in. Shutting down the used games market effectively destroys a tried and true method in which fans of EA's franchises keep up-to-date with each of EA's annual releases. Aside from nostalgia, what would be the point of holding onto FIFA 11, when FIFA 12 is right around the corner?

Don McCabe, an executive at Chipsworld, explains that, "consumers won't prosper under this new system, as copies of the game will lose their resale value". He goes on to say that retailers will "just readjust [the price] bearing in mind you have to buy the voucher." The CEO of SwapGame cautions that "customers who trade in for cash or credit do so to acquire new games they could otherwise not afford." This means that ultimately it will be the publisher who ends up losing money because when retailers adjust their prices to reflect the increase in cost for used games, the resale value of the game will drop and new games are less likely to be purchased.

I'm a fan of several EA franchises, I enjoy Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed and I'm a die hard Sony PlayStation enthusiast. As their customer, I'm outraged and offended by their current practices. I fear for what future methods they may use to further stifle or even kill the used game market. That said, I'm hopeful that these companies will be receptive to the outcry of their customers and adhere to our wants. I implore them to discontinue punishing their customers in an effort to capture what they perceive as missed profits. They risk not only alienating their customers but they risk finding themselves with significantly fewer customers and substantially less profit. And at the end of the day, that's really the bottom line.

- Carlisle better known as Prometheus of Punching the Walls of Reality


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How Do I Become a Video Game Tester? - Becoming a Video Game Tester

It's possible for you to become a video game tester. You can't just become a video game tester just like that. There are some things you need to know, have and do in order to become a game tester.

What are the things you need to know?

There is a reason why game manufactures assign jobs to interested video game testers. Your responsibility as a video game tester is to discover bugs in any game you are given to test. If you aren't experienced in playing video games, I tell you, you are not qualified for this job. Tell me; are you able to detect bugs in a video game? What is these bug you are talking about? Bugs are errors made why designing video games. As a human being, we have this spirit in us that tells us that this thing should be this way, that way or the other way round. If you are the type that has been playing games since you were a kid, I believe you would be able to detect bugs. Your job as a video game tester is just to detect bugs, write it in a report and your assignment is through, the next step is to submit to the report to the company, and then wait for your pay check. I tell you, detecting bugs is not so easy but you can do it. What you need is a short course on how this job is done and with it, you would conquer.

The short course I am talking about will guide you to successfully pass your first test. If you are able to impress the person that gave you the games to test at first, you've got a contract to continue to test and test games until you don't want to test anymore.

Furthermore, the compensation for testing games is encouraging. Won't you be okay with $40 to $150 per hours times the total number of hours you spend testing a particular game? There is no way you won't be okay with that salary. The video game industry is a multi-billion dollars industry, it even makes more revenue that the film industry.

Salary of a video game tester

The pay is okay compared to other testing jobs. You are paid with regards to the number of hours you spend testing games. The pay ranges from $10 to $150 per hour, which means that the more hours you spend testing video games, the more money you are going to earn.

Where to find a video game testing job

After you are familiar with what video game testing is all about, the next step is to apply for a video game testing job. This is another difficult stage of a video game testing career. It would be easy if you have the connections and know how to make them, but if you don't, it won't be so easy like eating hamburger and coke. All hope is not lost because I am going to offer you a guide on how to find one. How am I going to do that? It's possible to see a video game testing ads on the newspaper, classified sites and game magazines. Find these stuffs, both old and recent ones, and check if you can see any openings. If you see one, use their contact information like email, phone no or website to locate them and enquire if there is any opening for a video game tester.

Think of any game manufacturing company. Let's say, Microsoft Xbox, Sony, Nintendo and the rest of others. They normally post openings for video game testers in their website. I recommend you browse through their websites. Who knows? You might be lucky to find one. Apply for it with sufficient reasons why you are going to make a good testing job. Video game companies accept ages from 15 and above. There's no special degree to get a video game testing job but if you've got one in a video game related field, it will be an advantage. If after trying all these and you are able to get one, I recommend you try out some websites that have the listings for game companies that are hiring. One of them is gametestingground. They have a database of video game companies looking for video game testers with their contact info, how to apply and make sure you get the job.

GameTestingGround is a site that contains step-by-step guides on how you can learn the works of a video game tester and they also have listings of video game testing openings around the States. Visit them today and begin your video game tester career. Check it out at

Halloween Game Ideas - Top 5 Party Board Games For All Ages

Halloween game ideas articles usually focus on one age group. But BoardgameBeast insists on doing things a little differently. That's why we've put together our top 5 Halloween party board games with an eye to pleasing all possible party crowds, be they pre-school or on day release from the nursing home!

Top 5 Halloween game ideas for pre-school age kids

Candy Land -- what could be better on Halloween than a simple board game revolving around candy? Kids don't need to be able to read, all they have to do is recognize colors.

Snakes and Ladders -- known in North America as Chutes and Ladders, the snake version is far more appropriate for a Halloween game night. Simple arithmetic required.

Hungry Hungry Hippos -- finished gobbling the trick or treat loot? Now gobble marbles instead in this loud and funny game. Warning: choking hazard, keep the babies clear.

Twister -- burn off some of that excess energy with this classic party game of stretching and giggling. Also suitable for older kids (and their parents, after cocktail hour is over!).

Cranium Hullaballo -- a wild, noisy and fun game from the great minds behind Cranium. When your babies want to burn off that sugar rush, this great game will be just the ticket.

Top 5 Halloween game ideas for 5-9yr olds

Trouble -- once the first child presses the classic Pop-o-Matic dome, you can forget about meeting bed- and bath-time deadlines! A fun, colorful game that will appeal to wide age groups

KerPlunk! -- marble madness with pointy sticks. This is an irresistible game for this age group. Set up time is long compared to the gameplay, but you'll enjoy watching their faces as the marbles cascade down.

Jenga -- a great game for larger groups and available in many themes, including a Halloween Jenga version. Stacking blocks and a steady hand may not go well with candy overdoses, which is all part of the fun. BOOM!

The Game of Life -- one for the upper end of this age group, Life is a classic board game with good reason. Its blend of strategy and luck never goes out of style.

Operation -- Mr. Boddy needs various parts of his anatomy removing. Don't touch the sides, or... BUZZZ! Guaranteed to raise laughs from even a crowd of mixed age groups.

Top 5 Halloween game ideas for tweens and teens

High School Musical -- the hardest part is keeping up with the versions. We're up to version 3 already! Combining board gaming with song and dance to DVD or CD, this will appeal to a mostly girl crowd.

Guesstures -- like Charades on fast-forward, Guesstures is certain to stretch young minds and bodies. It's fun, fast and easy to learn, a perfect party game.

Pass the Pigs -- this seems so simple, it can't possibly be fun. Throw two pigs and score points depending on how they land. Easy, yes, addictive, definitely! A good option for party games on a budget.

Lunch Money -- this is a rough, tough, dog-eat-dog card game, where violence and bullying wins the day. The sweeter and less bully-like your teens are, the more they will love it!

Ticket to Ride -- a longer, more in-depth game suitable for smaller groups, Ticket to Ride has that one-more-go factor that all the best board games possess.

Top 5 Halloween game ideas for adults

Pictionary -- quick on the draw? This game is more about a meeting of minds with your team-mates. The better you know your friends, the easier it will be to 'read' their scribbled sketches and guess the clues!

Eat It! -- why should the kids have all the fun when the candy's being handed out? Test your snack, sweet and candy trivia knowledge while you eat, well, snacks, sweets and candy!

Mad Gab -- designed to get even the quietest of the group shouting out answers, Mad Gab is super-easy to learn and a lot of fun.

Apples to Apples -- perfect for a larger group, this game is unique, clever and funny. It will bring out the clown in all your guests.

Cranium -- its blend of sculpting, humming, scribbling and general knowledge has made Cranium a household name. Loads of versions are appearing now to appeal to all age groups, but the original is still the best adult party game of its kind. is a leading board game ideas and buying guides destination. Review games, submit strategy ideas, teach using board games, give the greatest board game gifts and share your love of games with the world! Boardgame Beast. Bring out the bad loser in you.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Why Board Games Are Important in Your Child's Life

Why exactly are board games important for a family lifestyle and what makes them so special rather then doing other activities together? Board games are important for many, many reasons and we are going to give you a few reasons why they are so important!

Board games help bring the family together. There are not a lot of activities that families can do together that are extremely affordable or fun, but board games are both, very fun to play and extremely affordable! Not only that, but some also have a very strong educational background as well. Board games can help your children with math skills, thinking skills and even money skills (Monopoly anyone?). Board games are an excellent hands on experience where you don't have an electronic device or game doing the math for you or helping you out, which is great for any young child to experience.

If your child likes video games and you can manage to pull them away from the screen for long enough, then in the long run playing more board games could help with any future eye sight problems your child may have. More and more children suffer from early eye damage because of their constant eye expose to screens, such as TVs and computer monitors. A good, wholesome way to solve this is by playing a board game since there are no screens involved. What better way to have fun with your child and help them?

Board games can be very exhilarating for young children, they absolute love it when luck goes their way and they get "the big roll" they have been waiting for (perhaps a Yahtzee roll) or they just purchased that special space on the Monopoly board. Lets face it, nothing makes a parent more happier than seeing their child happy. Board games are a great way to get that happiness out of them that video games just can not accomplish.

Playing a nice board game also helps bonding. When you, your child, or the entire family is together to play a board game, everyone is around and socializing which is a great time to talk about things that are going on in your child's life. Maybe they met a nice boy or girl that they are really fond of but just haven't found the right time to talk to you about it? Bonding is a great experience for children and their parents but in current times it can be so hard to have the time to bond or maybe you just don't know the proper way to go about talking with your child? Playing a nice board game is a relaxing way to just sit back and bond with a loved one.

Playing a board game teaches a young child the importance of sharing and taking turns. Most board games have certain rules you must follow and this helps your child in understanding the proper way to play and communicate while playing a game. If your child doesn't play correctly, then they obviously will not get as much benefit out of the game as those who do. A game is most fulfilling when it's played correctly and by the rules. A board game can help teach your child that rules are important and should be followed.

At Family Board Games [], they believe board games are more than just games that are played once in awhile, but are a true source of relaxation and happiness. They believe the 600 variations of Monopoly should have their own department and that board games should be sold everywhere so that the future of board games is more bright. The more board games are sold and made, the more people would be interested in creating new board games. The more a family can come together to play a game, the more healthier they believe the family can become.

In conclusion, we highly recommend board games if you are looking for that special one on one with your child or if you're looking for a wholesome night of family fun. We truly believe board games can help bring a family together for good causes and we recommend them to anyone who wants a nice relaxing night at home with loved ones. For only a few dollars, you can buy a cheap board game tonight and start having those family nights you have been dying to have for quite some time now.

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