Saturday, June 30, 2012

Game copy Pro review - how make a copy of your Xbox and PlayStation games

If you're an avid player like me then you probably have wanted at some point that you could make a backup game discs. I have recently had two of my favorite discs games destroyed by my enthusiastic child son who got in my game collections and proceeded to throw them across the room. After paying for new games I started looking for a way to make copies of my records of gaming, so I put the original outside damage. I've tried several different game backup programs but most of them did a good job until I came with game Copy Pro.

Game Copy Pro is the easiest program I've used when it comes to backing up games. They have been using for some time now and have been very happy with the way it works in general.

Game Copy Pro works with virtually all the discs in gaming, including those for Xbox, PlayStation and Wii systems. Just need a CD or DVD burner and a copy of the game that you want to make a duplicate of.

You will know that more discs games these days are protected by some kind of copy protection but game Copy Pro has sophisticated algorithms of program can skip almost of them. Game Copy Pro developers do a good job of keeping on top of the latest advances in the protection of the disc and release frequent updates to address new developments in the protection of the game disc.

After joining game Copy Pro and enter the members area that gives you links to download the program, as well as a number of comprehensive video tutorials that show how to use the program, so you can copy your game discs quickly and easily. The program is designed to be friendly to the user, so you don't have to be a genius of technology for program execution and making copies of their favorite game discs.

To make a backup of your game disk may take a few minutes or more depending on the amount of data you are trying to copy. It would have been nice if this process may have been accelerated in any way, but taking into account that the majority of game discs are hundreds of megabytes in size I guess that it is not all the amazing things that print on can take awhile. You can also get other things on your computer while this process is running in the background.

Game Copy Pro comes with tutorials in full video and you can also email support if you want to run any problem with the program. Send support a question recently and the response time was a little slow, I think it took them almost two days but has answered my question for me and solved the problem.

I have been very satisfied with the game Pro backup software since I started using it. Now I do copies of all new games I buy and make sure I put the originals away from the hands of the curious child safety. Game Copy Pro has copied every game I have given so far.

Would have saved me lots of money if you have used this software for the past two years because the software would have prevented that I need to replace my games when they have been destroyed, or when the disc gets scratched.

Game Copy Pro was the best group of backup software game that I've tried. Your support could be a little more sensitive, but for the majority of the computer user using the software to copy a game is very simple.

Game Copy Pro is back with an all day money 60 warranty so if you are not satisfied with the program simply contact them and a full refund will be issued.

John Wood has written a complete game copy Pro review that can be seen in his review [] blog game Copy Pro.

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