Saturday, July 28, 2012

Flash Mario Games - Better Than the Original?

Mario has over time been one of the most loved of the video games ever. This creation of Nintendo Entertainment System succeeded in ruling over the heart of game lovers and creates a big fan following for it.

As the times rolled, newer games incorporating newer technologies were introduced into the computer gaming zone. 3-D effects, open GL and network games were the new genre of games which brought to the game lovers a complete plethora of computer games to choose from. Yet, Mario stood out distinguished in its place because it was a game of completely a different genre, unlike the complicated strategy games or 3-D arcade games that were meant for fulfilling some very different kinds of gaming appetites. However when the newer flash Mario games were introduced, a completely new scenario came to fore concerning the stand of the Mario games in the gaming world.

Since then, there have been two sects of the Mario lovers. One who are excited about the newer flash versions of this all time favorite game and consider it an favorable up gradation in the game to bring it at par with the changing and more advanced gaming environment. Others are those who just worship the original version of the game and are of the view that releasing the newer flash games version of Mario is in a way tainting the original and the unique and irreplaceable version of the game. Involved in the debate are two parties each of which has great admiration for the game, although they differ in the ways in which they harness it.

Excited by what better visual quality is brought to Mario in its newer Flash Game versions, the lovers of the new flash games versions have quite a few points to count on for account of their new found admiration of the game. Many of the newer flash game versions contain more levels than in the original version a slew of extras (such as a two-player mode) has done wonders in improving the appeal of the game.

The controls in the newer flash game versions are easy to handle which is quite a support for new and novice gamers. Certain features have been added to the flash game version of Mario which only adds excitement to it. Like for example, in the earlier version all Mario could do was to jump and shoot fireballs with the right power- ups) but the newer flash game version have incorporated have transformed the game play drastically as we witness the controls working as if in synchronization with the players thoughts. Not to forget here that the new Flash technology that has been incorporated gives tremendous opportunity for the improving the sound quality of the game and thus only adds to the levels of excitement that the game offers.

The original version of Mario will always have its own attraction but the newer Flash game versions have definitely opened up a new way to a continuous involvement of this game. Mario lovers must welcome it.

Mario games
Free Mario games

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