Saturday, July 28, 2012

How to Buy PC Games

While many are limited to the world of console gaming, PC games brings a new level of gaming experience. It can be a bit more work initially, but the rewards are well worth it. Here are some guidelines for buying PC games.

1. What kind of games you like to play? Do you like adventure games? Puzzle games? First person shooters? At one time, the first-person shooter is confined almost exclusively to the PC! It is important to analyze their likes and dislikes, so that you can target certain games in the field of PC gaming. If you're not sure what you like, you can (of course) to jump right in and any sample of titles seem interesting to you, but if you have your sights set on one gender, it will be easier to identify the best titles of this genre and make sure your computer can handle them.

2. What are the specifications of your computer? The most frustrating part of playing games on PC for the new field is to make sure that the computer that will play games they can handle. When shopping for new PC games, it is important to know the following about your computer:

* The amount of free space on your hard drive (5GBs free will of almost all PC game)

* Amount of RAM (512 MB is enough for most games)

* The speed of the processor (2GHz is at the top and be responsible for most games)

* Video / graphics card (NVIDIA GeForce series is compatible with most games)

* Operating system (Windows XP is becoming the norm; Windows is generally more compatible with Macintosh PC games.)

For some games, can do less than what appears on the list, but the former will handle most new games. In most PC games, there will be a sticker on the back of the box specifies that the "minimum system requirements." The least possible to specify values for all four of the above pieces of information that are needed to play the game in question.

When you buy PC games, the next question is also important: Are you ready to upgrade your computer? Upgrading the RAM, for example, can cost a couple hundred dollars, but the ability for gaming (and the ease with the user will be able to complete other computing tasks) will be greatly expanded. If you are unwilling to improve, then you will see a point in the game to PC long after many of the new games are not playable on the computer.

3. Do you have an Internet connection? If you have an Internet connection (in particular, a high-speed connection), then a new world of PC games will be open for you: Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games (MMORPG ). These are the games that work like RPG, but can you play with millions of people around the world via an Internet connection. Popular examples of this genre is EverQuest (EQ) and World of Warcraft (WoW).

4. Choose a game to suit your needs. Choose a game that falls within your price range ($ 60 is about tops the PC games of today), conforms to the specifications of your computer, and hopes to appeal to you. Buy the game, take home, install and play. If you have problems, please contact the game support.

PC Game Reviews - Online PC Gaming Magazine -

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