Sunday, January 8, 2012

5 Easy Steps To Choose the Best Simulation Games For You

Now in the market there are a lot of games to buy and try, and everyday there more game titles released, and the big question to this situation is Which game do I need? or which game satisfies my expectations?

To pick the right game I give you some tips that you can use:

1.- The first thing you need, its to determinate what scenario do you want to simulate?, in the market there are cool games for simulate cities, trains, city transport, planes and airports, cities, life, hospitals, aquariums, themed parks, roller coasters, business, and much much more. Associate your preferences with your hobbies, for example, if you like trains you can choose a scenario where trains are primary actors.

2.- When you have chosen the scenario to simulate, the next step is to find the title of the game that simulate what you want. To do this only you need to go to a web browser like, Yahoo, Google, MSN, etc and browse for your game. Example: if you choose cities for simulate you can type in your favorite browser words like: "simulation games cities", "city building games". To choose this words yo need to put in the browser the scenario do you want to simulate(in this case cities) and the word "game" or "games" to specify your search and have good results.

3.- When you have searched some game titles, you now can make searches looking specifically for the title of the game that you want. This will help you to find some useful information about the gameplay of the game, the difficulty, the graphics, and other useful information. For example: if you searched for cities you found some titles like: "Simcity" or "City Life". Now I will

search in my browser for "simcity game" or "city life game"

4.- At this time, if you followed this previous steps, now you have some information about the games that is relative to the things that you want to simulate. Now is time to select the best game for you. Follow these useful tips:

- Select the grade of difficulty do you want to play, this is so important because if you are a newbie in that game and the game that you want its a sequel (or a expansion pack) of a previous one, yo will probably buy the first one and later the sequel. Another thing, its that the age of the game its for 5+ (for people that have 5 years old or more), and you have 23 years old, you will probably don´t want that kind of "challenges" for your game.

- Select what do you prefer: graphics, gameplay or both, this is important to choose the right game because some games have a great gameplay but have archaic graphics. If you are only looking for challenges you probably like this ones. On the other hand some games have a lot of cool graphics and amazing scenarios but the gameplay its so boring or not too challenging. If you look, like me, for games that include amazing graphics and a challenging gameplay you need to read and search a lot but this search will give you excellent results and fantastic game experience.

- Another important thing that you need to think about is the system requirements of your selected game(s) because you won't buy a game that crash your computer or not run properly in your PC. You can solve this by comparing the system requirements of the game with your system hardware and software. I recommend that you have a 30% more of the minimal requirements of the game to have a good performance of the game, and don´t run slow.

-To get more confidence for your selected game, read articles of the game, opinions for gameplayers, blogs (like this one), that can help you to know about the experience playing this game, the difficulty, etc. You can see the charts and the top games list, because if your game is well ranked on that lists, its almost 100% of satisfaction guaranteed. =D

- Some people think that another important fact in the selection of the game, it's the money. I disagree with this. You can have the game that you want if you save some of your money, or do some little changes in your routine, like to stop buying a coffee every morning or not buying a burger every Friday. Little changes can make you to obtain the necessary money for the game that you want. Think about it.

5.- The final step is go to buy your selected game!, if you followed all the previously tips and steps you will have a preferred game that you want to buy. You can purchase it at the official game shop or in a supermarket, or any store that have that game.

I hope that this tips help you to find the best simulation game for you. Post your comments!!

Visit Here you find a lot of useful information about your favorite games

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