Friday, January 6, 2012

Game consoles

Grand Theft Auto, a video game that many people have in their homes, is blamed for the cold - blooded shooting spree carried out by Devin Moore in Alabama. The game is also under fire from the option provides to unlock sexual content on the internet. Two teenage girls, imitating the movements of the Mortal Kombat video game, beat and killed 7 - year, sister of one of them. According to a police affidavit, adolescents were babysitter to the girl while her mother was at work.

New gaming experience

The experience of being a player has changed radically. A new generation video game console released every 5 or 6 years, explore realistic three-dimensional worlds in high resolution surround sound. More recent are the next generation of consoles, led by the Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360 and Sony's Playstation 3.

Consoles have replaced the video games. There are a range of models of consoles available in the market today. Console games Nintendo GameCube black is one of the very popular games multiplayer and online gaming. This is popularly known as a game console to do this is recommended for home use only.

Microsoft's Xbox, one of the most popular consoles, has been designed to communicate with the Internet, taking into account that the Internet has become a more preferred platform games online console games. PlayStation 3 from Sony Corp. and Wii from Nintendo Co. they are also designed for interaction online, which allows players to compete against each other, download videos and games, or Exchange friendly insults in a chat room.

Game addiction

All the accusations against games consoles, the most important is that they are addictive. So addictive if it denies children are known to have all the symptoms of withdrawal, including smoothies. Among other positions are compulsive behavior and loss of interest in other activities.

Research reports from a decade ago had shown video game junkies to be very intelligent people, motivated and achievement-oriented. But the games of the 21st century are as exciting to current studies show opposing trends. This is attributed to the games of today to be psychologically more rewarding, which leads to addiction.

A growing concern

The majority of video games on the market is designed for the age group of 7 to 17 plays an average of eight hours per week. There is a growing concern among parents, educators, child advocates, law enforcement and medical professionals about the subset of games that have violence, gore and anti-social behaviour. It is believed that ultra violent games are inappropriate for all children and harmful to some.

Investigations had shown young people can generally distinguish "caricature" of "real" violence violence, but interactivity participating in games of today seem to pose a risk much greater than the previous generations of young people had faced.

Concern over violent video and computer games is based on scientific evidence provided by a causal relationship between television violence and aggression among children and young people that watch. This research became the basis of an hypothesis among many social scientists that video games could impact even greater for the following reasons.

As there is a more personal participation of the player with the characters in the game, children are more likely to imitate their actions that the nature of games consoles is such that require active participation there are many repetitions are involved in these games that help to increase learning. So if games are violent effect is a behavioral for violent activity.

The reward in video games system promotes faster learning

Much less research on video games has been compared to the TV. But studies have consistently shown that violent games increase in comparison with behaviors that appears after playing non-violent games of aggression. Another study between 8 and 9 grade showed those who played violent video games were also more likely to see the world as a hostile place. They tend to be argumentative and getting into physical fights.

Some are just violent

Consoles are usually associated with violence, although not all games are as well. According to a rough estimate, only 15 percent of the games are violent. They are all perceived as violent because the most successful games are violent, and they get maximum press due to his controversial attention. People remember news about Grand Theft Auto, but probably not remember anything about games such as Banjo Kazooie, great tourism or any of their other counterparts non-violent.

Many argue that some parties may not be used for the branding industry. Sims is mentally very challenging. And children are receiving a great mental training of engaging in these games.

Parental role

A study at the school of Medicine of Indiana in Indianapolis found that approximately two thirds of the surveyed parents said that they had much family rules about how and when can play video games. But half of the children surveyed said that their parents never discussed games with them. Three of every four parents said "always" helped to decide what games their children could buy or rent, however, only 30 per cent of children said that it was the case.

In this digital world, children are introduced to video consoles as soon they are tempted to spend more of their time on these in their studies. Parents should be careful to protect them from improper games, providing the right parties. Refer to a comprehensive review of a game God of War [8] that warns parents not to expose this game for children due to excessive violence.

Nottingham Trent University games addiction experts provide a ready for concerned parents counter:

First find out if:

his child works every day to often works by more than 2 - 3 hours at a stretch derives from the excitement of the games feel needy and anxious when they are not allowed to play plays to the detriment of social activities forgets duties is trying to reduce hours of play, but not

If the answer is "Yes" then, in the majority of these cases, your child may be playing too and you have to take measures to

Replace violent games with educational games

Discourage the solo game. Do you play in groups

Set strict time limits for play

As a last resort take the game from him and turning into parts.

Read more on violent toys

School violence related article

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