Thursday, January 12, 2012

The forgotten population - how female players can make their games a success

Rarely come in a video game store and see many games exclusively for the female audience of game. Practically not there are box big support for such titles as spent million of dollars of catering exclusively to el public male. After all, the conventional wisdom would suggest because only the games are made for men, only men are interested in playing video games. This could not be further from the truth, a fact that often ignored by large publishing games as EA, Activision, or Take-Two. Statistics alone refute the idea that girls do not are interested in spending time playing video games. The Sims is the best game of all time of sale and a great deal of its success can be attributed to its loyal base of female fans. 40% of all girls in Australia participated in a survey admitted to spend time online playing video games as well. This is a global trend that while more games enabled devices are available, so does the potential audience for their products. From personal experience I can testify to the power of focusing on the female audience of player and the amount of success that can contribute to its games portals. Let us hope that this article may shed some light on what can be done to recognize the female audience and attract to use your product.

Understand your audience

Do this would be common sense regardless of any type of video or interactive content that would develop game but due to the lack of exclusively developed girl titles how would go about how start? The answer is not necessary to wait on a shelf in a store of game but rather online at a site of games or a game portal.

Depending on the age of the female audience range you will find some more popular than other games. These games tend to have simple and easy to learn game that game developers factors most professionals would consider basic or even in some cases really primitive. Do not let fooled by this or dismiss this fact. His would be interested in a mistake which many video game developers and against working on those games that otherwise would be something the female audience.

One of the most popular games with girls Web sites would be, which is essentially a web of online paper dolls. Move several garments in a 2d doll is a very simple thing to develop if you have some experience of professional gaming. It is this very simple game mechanics combined with a variety of current celebrities and other incentives that encourage millions of users to return each day to that Web site.

Dress up games are some of the most popular with girls with thousands of games games portals dedicated to this genre of game. Other categories of games that are very popular among female players include pets games, makeup games, cooking games and makeup of Board Games. Some of the most popular girls games have combined elements of these categories of games provides an even more compelling gaming experience. Almost all popular with the female public games could be classified in Casual Games.

Doing their homework in what there currently works on the Internet help you understand a hearing could be decades younger than you personally and completely different from their own personal preferences for games. It is a challenge that must be undertaken to fully capitalize on this segment of the market and achieve success.

The Factor in line

One of the categories of games not listed above are quickly becoming the most popular. Online worlds provide an experience where they can socialize and meet new friends. They include important elements of the game of worlds online; the capacity of customization of the avatar, customize rooms of user and the ability to talk and meet new friends. Examples include Club Penguin, Habbo Hotel, IMVU and

Major companies are taking note of the immense popularity of worlds in line with the female audience and now have many similar elements. The key for anyone seeking to compete in this field is to come up with a game mechanic compelling that attracts this key demographic of users.

This type of game can be outside the scope of many developers of time small but any game starts modestly so this could be a long-term goal to get to. Never discount any game idea entirely especially how you can help in the development of certain exclusivity. Sometimes combining ideas from existing in an online environment games can help to establish other than what is currently available.

The only thing

Regardless of the size or scope of your gambling sites, an important point to realize is that uniqueness will help walk apart you from the competition in a crowded market. For example, my game portal specializes in browser-based online worlds that do not require any registration. The benefit of this is that you can immediately enter your user name for their game product without having to register or download anything. Consider the possibility of introducing a single element like this into your game or website and you will be given the first step to capture some growing demographic gamer out there.

Use the female Gamer demographic

Accept and embrace the fact that the Games website caters to female players are a very important and strategic step that must be provided for in any game portal site. The market share is so great that the opportunity to find success and as independent developer increases if it does. This is not the first choice for professional game developers but I am one hundred percent sure that this is the right direction to have a Web site of little games if you want to attract a wider audience. Games that do not always have to be exclusively for a female audience, but I think they deserve some consideration.

We hope this has shed some interesting light on the often neglected market demographic of female players and brings with it some success in your endeavors.

Derek Young is co-owner of which receives 1.7 million unique visitors per month. With more than 5 years of experience in development of professional game he can always point towards some good girl online games

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